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Our souls are so amazing that they can create amazing interfaces at the point of discomfort or struggle to protect ourselves from further pain and from future pain. In those moments of struggle and pain, these interfaces serve valuable protection and safety.

Live goes on, we uncover more of our unique essence and we uncover tools to communicate and interact better to create safe environments for ourselves. Those past interfaces are no longer needed, yet we have used them so much that we can not separate ourselves from these interfaces.

Our most authentic joyous playful self is hidden behind those interfaces. Would we have the courage to pause and go within and discover what is this beautiful self and what is the interface that was created once to protect, but that is no longer needed? And to shine our bright light…

3 years ago

Do our desires for pleasures own us in this modern world?

I think when sages said staying with pain opens doors to greater wisdom and consciousness and that we shouldn't chase after pleasure. - what they meant is:  life is fundamentally…

3 years ago

Stupidly Simple Act of Touching The Earth

Starting from the year 2022, I have been trying to do more of two new things - standing/walking barefoot on grass and getting sun rays on my skin. Such easy…

3 years ago

14 Exciting Books that Changed My Trajectory in Life During 2021

2021 was a slow year for the number of books I read compared to 2020. Mainly because the deep nature of the books, which needed more time to comprehend. But…

3 years ago

Gold Was Always There - Teachings from East to a New Life

I come from the eastern part of the world relatively called east by British Emperor. From there I left the east completely to submerge myself in the west, for my…

4 years ago

Stock Tank with a bucket of Ice

Since coming across the ice man in "Tools of the titans" by Tim Ferris, my interest grew of Wim hof. I have read his book "Wim hof method" and another…

4 years ago

Reconnecting with the Superfood Moringa Or Kathuru Murunga

Growing up in Sri Lanka my mother would go outside and pick Kathuru Murunga leaves and flowers and make a sambol. This was very much a common occurrence throughout the…

4 years ago

How to add an AJAX likes count button in WordPress without a plugin

Adding a likes count with thumbs up icon is quite easy without using a plugin. Below I explain the code I used here in my website. All the code explained…

Read More 745

4 years ago

West Arriving Ancients via Science

I keep coming at this thoughts again and again as I pass through western inventions with my heightened awareness - 2500 to 3000 years ago in the Asia, brahmans and…

4 years ago

34 Books I Read or Listened to in 2020

In 2020 I got the chance to explore more into the non-fiction category of books. I went from personal improvement and explorative genre to more philosophical genre. I found the…

4 years ago

CODE: How to check if a customer used a coupon in Woocommerce

Situation: We have a coupon code (Free $5 cash) that we want customers to use one time. Until he use it, show a special message on my account. After he…

4 years ago

My work today will be dwarfed by my work tomorrow

When I write code, develop algorithms or programs, I do them to the fullest of my skills - with all I know. Once I wrap things up, I know I…

I think when sages said staying with pain opens doors to greater wisdom and consciousness and that we shouldn’t chase after pleasure. – what they meant is: 

life is fundamentally joyous and we deserve to feel pleasure and we are worthy to feel pleasure. But without a strong foundation of understanding of the desires, the pleasures can easily open up additions and own us instead of us seeking pleasure to fulfill our inner desires.

Our bodies know what we need, it has insanely amazing intelligence. If we are tuned into this body and can listen to what our body needs, then when it needs pleasure we can allow it to enjoy pleasure but knowingly, comes from a place of understanding that I am seeking the pleasure, that my intelligent body is desiring this from life at this point. 

The difference between seeking pleasure without this understanding I think is, then we feel the need to seek pleasure and deliver it to us, and we seek the joy it gives us and we get addicted to it, and before we know we are eating 10 cookies and now the pleasure owns us. I think if we don’t have that clarity into our inner body, of its desires and when the pleasures are fulfilled – which is very hard to do in the modern world filled with distractions and stimulations of all kinds – then we lose track of when our pleasures are satisfied and the knowing that we are in control and not the pleasure. 

Maybe when a need for pleasure comes up, instead of reaching for it right away, just sitting with it and asking if this is really what is needed for my intelligence body or am I seeking this to cover a very deep underlying desire – might give more insight to what we truly desire. Which will give an everlasting fulfillment over the immediate pleasure we seek. 

Most of the time we don’t even feel our bodies from within to see what our bodies need. We just automatically reach for pleasures because of the thought of the joy it can give. And then it creates a hook for that joy via this pleasure. Because the underlying desire is not met, now it is covered up with this pleasure quickly. Quick pleasures have something with it that makes them very easy to get addicted to. And the pleasure it gives runs out quickly too. Whereas if I were to listen deeply to my body’s intelligence and give it the deeply needed pleasure to feel fulfilled, that would keep me fulfilled for longer. 

It is perfectly ok, actually more than ok, and it’s our right to feel various pleasures in life. Life is joyous with all the pleasures. We just need to listen carefully to the call for pleasure from within, and clearly know it is me seeking the pleasure and not the pleasure, seeking me. I think just being with ourselves and listening to the feedback from our 5 senses, the breath and pulse from the heart, we can train ourselves to listen very closely to what our inner works desire and lack and know when it’s fulfilled. 

I think most of the time when we are addicted to pleasure, we lose track of when the desire for pleasure is filled. Again if we pay absolute attention to our inner works, we can see when we experience pleasure, and once the pleasure experience is done or during the pleasure experience, a sense of “urg I don’t really need this anymore” or feeling of left low and empty – that is a great sign that the need has already been met for the pleasure and we are owned by the pleasure now.

It’s like you eat the first cookie because a cookie is what your inner desires crave. But after eating 3, 4, or 5 cookies you start to feel gross, that is when you have crossed the line of fulfilling the inner desire but now the temptation of the pleasure of eating a cookie owns your guidance system. If we are always intuned with our inner guidance system and pay absolute attention to its subtle signals, I think we can know “hey I have had enough cookies and my craving for cookies is fulfilled time to get up and move away”. 

Amazingly great insight is already within us working at the top level for us, we just need to be quiet enough to listen to the wisdom that is always presented to us. 

3 years ago

Do our desires for pleasures own us in this modern world?

I think when sages said staying with pain opens doors to greater wisdom and consciousness and that we shouldn't chase after pleasure. - what they meant is:  life is fundamentally…

3 years ago

Stupidly Simple Act of Touching The Earth

Starting from the year 2022, I have been trying to do more of two new things - standing/walking barefoot on grass and getting sun rays on my skin. Such easy…

3 years ago

14 Exciting Books that Changed My Trajectory in Life During 2021

2021 was a slow year for the number of books I read compared to 2020. Mainly because the deep nature of the books, which needed more time to comprehend. But…

3 years ago

Gold Was Always There - Teachings from East to a New Life

I come from the eastern part of the world relatively called east by British Emperor. From there I left the east completely to submerge myself in the west, for my…

4 years ago

Stock Tank with a bucket of Ice

Since coming across the ice man in "Tools of the titans" by Tim Ferris, my interest grew of Wim hof. I have read his book "Wim hof method" and another…

4 years ago

Reconnecting with the Superfood Moringa Or Kathuru Murunga

Growing up in Sri Lanka my mother would go outside and pick Kathuru Murunga leaves and flowers and make a sambol. This was very much a common occurrence throughout the…

4 years ago

How to add an AJAX likes count button in WordPress without a plugin

Adding a likes count with thumbs up icon is quite easy without using a plugin. Below I explain the code I used here in my website. All the code explained…

Read More 745

4 years ago

West Arriving Ancients via Science

I keep coming at this thoughts again and again as I pass through western inventions with my heightened awareness - 2500 to 3000 years ago in the Asia, brahmans and…

4 years ago

34 Books I Read or Listened to in 2020

In 2020 I got the chance to explore more into the non-fiction category of books. I went from personal improvement and explorative genre to more philosophical genre. I found the…

4 years ago

CODE: How to check if a customer used a coupon in Woocommerce

Situation: We have a coupon code (Free $5 cash) that we want customers to use one time. Until he use it, show a special message on my account. After he…

4 years ago

My work today will be dwarfed by my work tomorrow

When I write code, develop algorithms or programs, I do them to the fullest of my skills - with all I know. Once I wrap things up, I know I…

Starting from the year 2022, I have been trying to do more of two new things – standing/walking barefoot on grass and getting sun rays on my skin. Such easy things to do, you’d think, yet I’m finding it challenging to do in my daily busy life.

Age-Old Wisdom

My wise mother once told me “If I walk barefoot on grass for 30 minutes a day, it will heal my eyes and will never have to wear glasses”. After reading and hearing about the practice of grounding (or walking barefoot) and its’ various benefits (Ref 1), now I realize that this is great observational science she had passed on to me. The more I find out about the science behind it, the more I am seeing the benefits of this for the human energy field and for healing our bodies. (Ref 2)

Think back to your toroidal biofield: the ascending and descending streams of energy, what the yogic tradition calls the Ida and Pingala, are continuously flowing up and down the central channel. The role of grounding is to keep that flow of energy moving in both directions. Through the feet, we release the descending (positively charged) energy that’s made its way through the system down into the earth and simultaneously soak up fresh new life force (negatively charged) from the ground beneath us.

Eileen Day McKusick on Electric body, electric health

As we make advancements in science to allow us to see the invisible, beyond physical forces and energies, we are being brought back to that age-old wisdom observed and passed on for generations. It gives me great joy knowing that, may it be through science, we are as a collective group, acknowledging and reconnecting with age-old wisdom going forward.

We come to this world without shoes and we run around barefoot touching the earth. I remember doing this when I was little. Then comes school, where we must wear shoes. After years of conforming our feet inside tight contraptions with odd arch support, our feet evolve to fit these shoes, and we become one with shoes so much so that we can not walk without shoes anymore. The rubber bottoms in shoes stop electricity from transferring from our body to the giant electromagnet we are living on, and vice versa. Shoes were great when we had to walk over thrones or sharp rocks, but regular shoes have made our feet weak. We can no longer walk on any subtle harsh ground conditions.

Let alone, if we can find any bare ground these days at the rate at which we are adding new hard concrete sidewalks and paved roads everywhere. I once lived in a place, where there was more open ground and dirt roads than there were paved hard ground. When it rains, those roads would be a muddy mess. I then dreamt of a day where those would be paved solid so walking and driving would be easy-breeze on any day. Now I am in a place where my dreams have been realized. And only through this realization, I now see how the open ground is needed as much as the hard-covered ground.

The ocean, the mountains, the deserts, a wooded grove — The Earth Mother in all of her infinite compassion and strength has remarkable powers to restore vitality. Wash yourself in the pure water of the streams, put your bare feet on the good earth, fall asleep in the arms of an ancient tree. There is good medicine to be found in nature. It is long lasting and heals the soul.

Rosemary Gladstar on Herbal Healing

Grounding, The Art of Touching the Earth

It is winter in the Pacific Northwest, yet I dare try to walk or stand for a few minutes barefoot, sometimes after my Ice Tank Bath. I hope to connect with Earth’s electromagnetic healing energy and continue this practice as long as I can as I once used to do.

Touching the earth and feeling the earth gives you some magical feeling deep inside. No wonder we have been making earth un-friendly choices for years. Because we have been disconnected from the earth with our rubber shoes, rubber mats, rubber tiles, laminated plastic floors, etc. In that type of disconnected state of mind, it is very easy to look at immediate benefits to us over long-term detriment to us and our environment.

I can not wonder, why anyone would not want to connect with the earth and reap the healing benefits and make ourselves feel better.

Finding Clean Grass in a Chemical World

Where I grew up, green lawns and the well-maintained lawn were a possession of the elite. But I don’t recall ever spraying chemicals on the grass to kill weeds or loud gas-powered lawn movers. Today I live in American suburbia, where loud gas movers and spraying chemicals on a regular basis, are standard practices of mostly underpaid Mexican lawn companies. We are so focused on the clean green-looking grass, that we are blinded by the harm the process of it is causing us. These chemicals we spray to kill weeds don’t just kill weeds, they get washed into drain water, and into wastewater management plants, and then pumped right back for us to drink. Most of these chemicals are not even filtered out. (Ref 3)

If we stand on these chemical fertilizer sprayed grass, we will probably absorb them too. If you look at the picture above, we never spray chemicals on our grass. There are many dandelion leaves, many clovers, and many other green leaves. So what? Nature is not just one type of green grass and everything else is killed away. Nature is a diversity of plants living in its co-existence.


  1. The Effects of grounding on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases –
  2. The Effect of grounding the human body on mood –
  3. Factors affecting water pollution –…/Factors-Effecting-Water-Pollution.pdf

3 years ago

Do our desires for pleasures own us in this modern world?

I think when sages said staying with pain opens doors to greater wisdom and consciousness and that we shouldn't chase after pleasure. - what they meant is:  life is fundamentally…

3 years ago

Stupidly Simple Act of Touching The Earth

Starting from the year 2022, I have been trying to do more of two new things - standing/walking barefoot on grass and getting sun rays on my skin. Such easy…

3 years ago

14 Exciting Books that Changed My Trajectory in Life During 2021

2021 was a slow year for the number of books I read compared to 2020. Mainly because the deep nature of the books, which needed more time to comprehend. But…

3 years ago

Gold Was Always There - Teachings from East to a New Life

I come from the eastern part of the world relatively called east by British Emperor. From there I left the east completely to submerge myself in the west, for my…

4 years ago

Stock Tank with a bucket of Ice

Since coming across the ice man in "Tools of the titans" by Tim Ferris, my interest grew of Wim hof. I have read his book "Wim hof method" and another…

4 years ago

Reconnecting with the Superfood Moringa Or Kathuru Murunga

Growing up in Sri Lanka my mother would go outside and pick Kathuru Murunga leaves and flowers and make a sambol. This was very much a common occurrence throughout the…

4 years ago

How to add an AJAX likes count button in WordPress without a plugin

Adding a likes count with thumbs up icon is quite easy without using a plugin. Below I explain the code I used here in my website. All the code explained…

Read More 745

4 years ago

West Arriving Ancients via Science

I keep coming at this thoughts again and again as I pass through western inventions with my heightened awareness - 2500 to 3000 years ago in the Asia, brahmans and…

4 years ago

34 Books I Read or Listened to in 2020

In 2020 I got the chance to explore more into the non-fiction category of books. I went from personal improvement and explorative genre to more philosophical genre. I found the…

4 years ago

CODE: How to check if a customer used a coupon in Woocommerce

Situation: We have a coupon code (Free $5 cash) that we want customers to use one time. Until he use it, show a special message on my account. After he…

4 years ago

My work today will be dwarfed by my work tomorrow

When I write code, develop algorithms or programs, I do them to the fullest of my skills - with all I know. Once I wrap things up, I know I…

2021 was a slow year for the number of books I read compared to 2020. Mainly because the deep nature of the books, which needed more time to comprehend. But the quality of the content I consumed is immense in 2021.

These are the books I read or listened to in 2021. The 14 linked titles are the ones I found to be very exciting and I have listed them in the order I’ve read them.

Documentaries, Podcasts & Interviews

In 2021 I also started listening to conscious media documentaries, podcasts and interviews via or spotify podcast channels. Below is the list of those conscious media that I found to be moving and very exciting. I have bolded some of the titles that were exceptional.

  • Gaia – Qigong for healing by chunyi li
  • Gaia – The art of loving your dreams / Mike dooley
  • Gaia – Facing our trans human future – gregg breden
  • Darinolien show – Dr Amy shah intermittent fasting
  • Gaia – Natural resonance meditation with John gray
  • Gaia – Being you changing the world – Dian heer
  • Gaia – Connecting with your life now with Sam horn
  • Gaia – Five levels of manifestation with Pam oslie
  • Gaia – How suffering transform us – Rabi steve ledger
  • Gaia – Life of peaceful warrior- dan milman
  • Gaia – Thriving through uncertainty- tama kieves
  • Gaia – Happiness from inside out – Marci shimoff
  • Gaia – Adventures beyond the body – William buhlman
  • Gaia – The choice for love – barbara de angelis
  • Gaia – The energy codes w/ sue morter
  • Gaia – Liberated living with kute blackson
  • Gaia – Quantum physics on everyday life with fred allen wolf
  • Gaia – Becoming nobody by Ram Das

3 years ago

Do our desires for pleasures own us in this modern world?

I think when sages said staying with pain opens doors to greater wisdom and consciousness and that we shouldn't chase after pleasure. - what they meant is:  life is fundamentally…

3 years ago

Stupidly Simple Act of Touching The Earth

Starting from the year 2022, I have been trying to do more of two new things - standing/walking barefoot on grass and getting sun rays on my skin. Such easy…

3 years ago

14 Exciting Books that Changed My Trajectory in Life During 2021

2021 was a slow year for the number of books I read compared to 2020. Mainly because the deep nature of the books, which needed more time to comprehend. But…

3 years ago

Gold Was Always There - Teachings from East to a New Life

I come from the eastern part of the world relatively called east by British Emperor. From there I left the east completely to submerge myself in the west, for my…

4 years ago

Stock Tank with a bucket of Ice

Since coming across the ice man in "Tools of the titans" by Tim Ferris, my interest grew of Wim hof. I have read his book "Wim hof method" and another…

4 years ago

Reconnecting with the Superfood Moringa Or Kathuru Murunga

Growing up in Sri Lanka my mother would go outside and pick Kathuru Murunga leaves and flowers and make a sambol. This was very much a common occurrence throughout the…

4 years ago

How to add an AJAX likes count button in WordPress without a plugin

Adding a likes count with thumbs up icon is quite easy without using a plugin. Below I explain the code I used here in my website. All the code explained…

Read More 745

4 years ago

West Arriving Ancients via Science

I keep coming at this thoughts again and again as I pass through western inventions with my heightened awareness - 2500 to 3000 years ago in the Asia, brahmans and…

4 years ago

34 Books I Read or Listened to in 2020

In 2020 I got the chance to explore more into the non-fiction category of books. I went from personal improvement and explorative genre to more philosophical genre. I found the…

4 years ago

CODE: How to check if a customer used a coupon in Woocommerce

Situation: We have a coupon code (Free $5 cash) that we want customers to use one time. Until he use it, show a special message on my account. After he…

4 years ago

My work today will be dwarfed by my work tomorrow

When I write code, develop algorithms or programs, I do them to the fullest of my skills - with all I know. Once I wrap things up, I know I…

I come from the eastern part of the world relatively called east by British Emperor. From there I left the east completely to submerge myself in the west, for my quest to seek financial freedom. I did everything to be like a westerner, I ate their food, I dressed like them, I talked like them, I surround myself with plastic things, I even pop pills for illnesses like them. It was quite nice to be away from hard down-to-earth eastern-ness and be surrounded by a completely new world where things were done differently, where happiness was pursued tirelessly with instant pleasures. All this time, I thought west was superior to east. The western science was so far ahead compared to eastern intuitions and folk beliefs and plant medicine that took long time to heal things, which could be solved so fast with a western pill. I was living on the western high. Because why wouldn’t I, there is so much catchy things that offers instant delight and pleasures, forget the long term whatever.  When I visit back east, I could not imagine ever living in east, in such inconveniences. I acted as if I was superior to eastern people – my people, because I have lived in the west.

Little did I know all of these mind illusions came crashing down after one big event. Ok well two. One was seeing a life threatening allergic reactions to food by someone that was a part of me. The other was my own gut telling me, “stop this nonsense I’ve had enough of this garbage American food” and deciding to send me various gut issues to finally make me hear clear of the nonsensical western life style I was living. And I listened, and years have passed in my transformation back into my old eastern ways of living, back to the earth.

Not many people can see the illusions and the profit driven choices presented nonstop to people in western world (in fact everywhere in the world now, sadly) and perceive them as detrimental or ineffective ways for healthy living and that they been separating us from nature little by little over time. A gigantic shift in the inner energy is required to create the understanding and the awakening. Looking back I am very grateful that I left the east, because if it wasn’t for that I would have never come to realize the beauty and the magic of it. Looking back I am very grateful that I had the big events to turn things around to find my way back to the beginning.

Nidikumba Flower from east

Leaves of Nidikumba close up when you touch it, as if to protect itself from harm, and open back up slowly with time.

Now I see things clearer than yesterday. Back in the east, in the rural village town of Gorakadeniya the jewelry maker’s wife would go to the store with her bag made of palm leaves wearing cotton clothes with no plastic, the store owner would weigh it and give her 500g of sugar in a paper funnel made from the newspaper. Villagers knew an insane amount of knowledge about their surrounding plants that they taught to their children. Rural farmers knew how to grow plants in combination with other plants and share it with animals. A very powerful buddhist motto of looking at every sentient beings (animals and people) as “they too feel pain and they too wish to be happy”, was rooted in everyone’s hearts to treat animals, people and even plants with respect and gratitude. There was no convenient gadgets, a hard labor of love was needed to perform the tasks. A task which would make them stronger and healthier and the end product, which would become worthy of giving gratitude for. The people very frequently walked barefoot connected to earth’s electromagnetic healing powers and sat in Yogic squat to mingle with others. In a village where the night sky would only be disturbed by a wax lighten lantern or a burning flame. A villager with chronic pain would find his way to the village doctor (weda mahaththaya) where he was treated with plants with no side effects. The plants that healed him taught him how to surrender to pain, the lessons of patience of the slow process of nature and to overcome the pain with gratitude. An earth where fallen leaves are left to decay to feed the new growth and some cleared up using rakes made from sticks in coconut leaves. I have heard stories and lived to some extent of this life where people lived in harmony with nature, without plastic, without EMF radiations, without noise pollution, without all this cancerous petroleum junk. 

But those people and me that lived there thought that we were missing something and we had to pursue a modern life to get what was missing, the luxuries, the comforts, the conveniences, the power, the status. But now I see, it was all an illusion of empty dreams, which makes you want more and more and never feel enough. The real gold had always been back in the east, in that village, but that village is no more, it too had been modernized in its innocent ways.

Life forward on this earth can only be built bringing awareness to the ways our ancestors lived, and identifying the ways that they lived in harmoniously with nature. It is very obvious isn’t it, every decision made forward must be made with the well being of our nature and earth as the highest priority. If we continue to make decisions purely for money and profits, yes we will make lot of it and some day we will be left to eat money, we may not even have that if money was all digital, in that case we’d have to feed ourselves on hard drives. Before making decisions for the future, we must leave our climate controlled AC rooms and breathe the fresh air, go touch a tree, take off our rubber shoes and connect with earth’s electromagnetic vibrations and walk on grass, and feel the earth so we can align ourselves to make the correct decisions for the earth. 

As for my life, step by step I have been able to find the gold in my current modern western life to create a new life with the essence from eastern villager. I have been eating predominately plant-based whole food, which we prepare from raw food most of the time with a great labor of love. I try to stand barefoot on my backyard in the suburbia of modern world and touch the earth and walk on grass. I try to get sunlight on my bare skin. I choose paper and wood over plastic products. Following ancient philosophies, I regularly practice yoga and meditations. I do not shy away from jumping full-on to various ancient natural practices and methods such as Ice tank theraphy, energy sound healing etc. We make plant based herbal medicine, teas, concoctions and tinctures that relieve common colds, flus, coughs, sore throats, pains very effectively without any side effects. Every fall season, we clear our leaf covered yard with a metal rake or let them decompose on the grass to nourish the soil. We are working on creating a food forest in our backyard and grow our vegetables without pesticides but home-made compost. The teachings have been laid out 1000s of years ago. But the industrial revolution has taken us away from it, and now we have to listen to the lessons again. Because if we take care of the earth and lived in a way harmonious with it, it will take care of us so we can create a brighter new life tomorrow. 

3 years ago

Do our desires for pleasures own us in this modern world?

I think when sages said staying with pain opens doors to greater wisdom and consciousness and that we shouldn't chase after pleasure. - what they meant is:  life is fundamentally…

3 years ago

Stupidly Simple Act of Touching The Earth

Starting from the year 2022, I have been trying to do more of two new things - standing/walking barefoot on grass and getting sun rays on my skin. Such easy…

3 years ago

14 Exciting Books that Changed My Trajectory in Life During 2021

2021 was a slow year for the number of books I read compared to 2020. Mainly because the deep nature of the books, which needed more time to comprehend. But…

3 years ago

Gold Was Always There - Teachings from East to a New Life

I come from the eastern part of the world relatively called east by British Emperor. From there I left the east completely to submerge myself in the west, for my…

4 years ago

Stock Tank with a bucket of Ice

Since coming across the ice man in "Tools of the titans" by Tim Ferris, my interest grew of Wim hof. I have read his book "Wim hof method" and another…

4 years ago

Reconnecting with the Superfood Moringa Or Kathuru Murunga

Growing up in Sri Lanka my mother would go outside and pick Kathuru Murunga leaves and flowers and make a sambol. This was very much a common occurrence throughout the…

4 years ago

How to add an AJAX likes count button in WordPress without a plugin

Adding a likes count with thumbs up icon is quite easy without using a plugin. Below I explain the code I used here in my website. All the code explained…

Read More 745

4 years ago

West Arriving Ancients via Science

I keep coming at this thoughts again and again as I pass through western inventions with my heightened awareness - 2500 to 3000 years ago in the Asia, brahmans and…

4 years ago

34 Books I Read or Listened to in 2020

In 2020 I got the chance to explore more into the non-fiction category of books. I went from personal improvement and explorative genre to more philosophical genre. I found the…

4 years ago

CODE: How to check if a customer used a coupon in Woocommerce

Situation: We have a coupon code (Free $5 cash) that we want customers to use one time. Until he use it, show a special message on my account. After he…

4 years ago

My work today will be dwarfed by my work tomorrow

When I write code, develop algorithms or programs, I do them to the fullest of my skills - with all I know. Once I wrap things up, I know I…

Since coming across the ice man in “Tools of the titans” by Tim Ferris, my interest grew of Wim hof. I have read his book “Wim hof method” and another related book called “What doesnt kill us” by Scott Carney. Currently I am doing the 10 week classic course by the master himself. The master of Ice!

Into the Ice

No matter how many times I jumped into the cold, every new jump is as daunting as before. Once I get past the initial hurdle, I find that I can stay in there for 10 minutes ore more. Ice have taught me how to breath my way through high stress and uncomfortable situations.

Stock Tank with Ice

Why I do Ice

The first 20 years of my life in Sri Lanka was passed without much of the first-world modern comforts. From what I remember it was filled with lots of great memories and never missing anything. In the current modern life, people live inside climate controlled environments day in day out never really breathing the fresh air. Wearing rubber shoes all the time and never really touching the earth and connecting with earth’s electromagnetic energy. In our modern lives we have become so disconnected from our source. However, our ancestors lived for 1000s of years without any of these comforts, yet connected with their environment in amazing ways. We read stories from our past of great warriors and giants with super strengths conquering vast land in extreme weathers without any of the modern comforts.

The modern comforts are great. It certainly makes things comfortable but it also makes us weak. Makes us rely on them so much so that we can not live without. Ice for me is one element that takes me direct to the source. It helps me get a glimpse of the hidden potentials of my ancestors’ past. Since the beginning of 2021, cold showers and Ice baths have become a part of my morning routine.

What the Ice Do

Stimulate Immune System

Turns out cold showers improves body’s resilience to common illnesses and diseases. (Ref 3) Not just that, it strengthen the body’s response to viruses and bacteria. The plunge into the immediate cold sends shock waves into the bloodstream and stimulates leukocytes (Ref 1) that helps fight infections.

Improve Blood Circulation

Ice cold water in the tank that is colder than body temperature makes the body work harder to maintain core temperature. (Ref 1) That cause the blood to circulate more efficiently, which combined with deep breathing, speed up the delivery of oxygenated blood into every part of the body.

Stimulates antidepressant hormones and improves mood

The cold water sends many electrical shocks to the brain. (Ref 1) Endorphins also called “Happy hormones” are one of them. I have noticed that I always gets out of the Ice tank feeling brighter about the day ahead and more optimistic about life and happier. The effect is more noticeable on the days I don’t jump into the tank. Quite the contrast.

Increase alertness, awareness and concentration

Going into Ice with deep breathing result in significant decrease in CO2, that clears the mind and improves awareness and concentration (Ref 5).

Speed up muscle soreness and recovery

The delivery of freshly oxygenated blood into sore muscles speed up recovery time. (Ref 1) I also practice target muscle concentrated breathing in the cold. Which I have found to relieve soreness of hurting muscle areas.


  2. “The Effect of Cold Showering on Health and Work: A Randomized Controlled Trial”
  3. “Possible stimulation of anti-tumor immunity using repeated cold stress: a hypothesis”
  4. Wim hof method by wim hof

3 years ago

Do our desires for pleasures own us in this modern world?

I think when sages said staying with pain opens doors to greater wisdom and consciousness and that we shouldn't chase after pleasure. - what they meant is:  life is fundamentally…

3 years ago

Stupidly Simple Act of Touching The Earth

Starting from the year 2022, I have been trying to do more of two new things - standing/walking barefoot on grass and getting sun rays on my skin. Such easy…

3 years ago

14 Exciting Books that Changed My Trajectory in Life During 2021

2021 was a slow year for the number of books I read compared to 2020. Mainly because the deep nature of the books, which needed more time to comprehend. But…

3 years ago

Gold Was Always There - Teachings from East to a New Life

I come from the eastern part of the world relatively called east by British Emperor. From there I left the east completely to submerge myself in the west, for my…

4 years ago

Stock Tank with a bucket of Ice

Since coming across the ice man in "Tools of the titans" by Tim Ferris, my interest grew of Wim hof. I have read his book "Wim hof method" and another…

4 years ago

Reconnecting with the Superfood Moringa Or Kathuru Murunga

Growing up in Sri Lanka my mother would go outside and pick Kathuru Murunga leaves and flowers and make a sambol. This was very much a common occurrence throughout the…

4 years ago

How to add an AJAX likes count button in WordPress without a plugin

Adding a likes count with thumbs up icon is quite easy without using a plugin. Below I explain the code I used here in my website. All the code explained…

Read More 745

4 years ago

West Arriving Ancients via Science

I keep coming at this thoughts again and again as I pass through western inventions with my heightened awareness - 2500 to 3000 years ago in the Asia, brahmans and…

4 years ago

34 Books I Read or Listened to in 2020

In 2020 I got the chance to explore more into the non-fiction category of books. I went from personal improvement and explorative genre to more philosophical genre. I found the…

4 years ago

CODE: How to check if a customer used a coupon in Woocommerce

Situation: We have a coupon code (Free $5 cash) that we want customers to use one time. Until he use it, show a special message on my account. After he…

4 years ago

My work today will be dwarfed by my work tomorrow

When I write code, develop algorithms or programs, I do them to the fullest of my skills - with all I know. Once I wrap things up, I know I…

Growing up in Sri Lanka my mother would go outside and pick Kathuru Murunga leaves and flowers and make a sambol. This was very much a common occurrence throughout the country of Sri Lanka known for its citizens eating an insane variety and amounts of vegetables. It is amazing my parents knew intuitively, sort of passed on knowledge from past generations, that Kathuru murunga was enormously beneficial to human body in various ways. Murunga is also used in Ayurveda medicine.

Recently during a visit to close by India Supermarket, to my surprise, I found fresh Murunga leaves. After more than 10 years, I reconnected with this amazing super leaves and added it into my diet right away.

Kathuru murunga or for short Murunga is the name commonly used to call this amazing plant in Sri Lanka, while its scientific name is Moringa Oleifera.

Edible Parts of Moringa Tree

Leaves – In the west, they have marketed leaves as a superfood and leaves are dried and powdered and sold as capsules, oil, and dry leaves. I believe, once you dry the living leaves the energy is gone from it and it is inferior to the fresh living leaves.

Flower (Kathurumurunga Mal) – In Sri Lanka, people pick the Kathuru Murunga flower and make a sambol and serve it fresh. It is very tasty.

Drumstick (Murunga) – Is the fruit from the Moringa tree and in Sri Lanka people scrap the outter layer a little and cut into pieces and cook it into a delicious curry with coconut milk.

Health Benefits of Murunga/ Moringa

According to healthline these are some of many health benefits discovered by science thus far. It has Protein (2g), Vit B6, Vit C, Iron, B2, Vit A, Magnesium. Rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatories, lower blood sugar, reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol, and protect again Arsenic toxicity. Also known as “the miracle tree” for 1000s of years for its healing benefits. And of course when eaten as live plant and combined with other spices and herbs these benefits will multiply.

Best Way I found to eat Murunga/ Moringa Leaves

The tastiest and the best way to eat Murunga leaves fresh, is as a sambol. Below is my re-creation of the delicious sambol, that has a bit sweeter taste to it as well. It is a mix of Moringa leaves, onions, shredded coconut, ginger, and salt.


I found the sambol recipe done to perfection by Ape Amma youtube channel. (it is in sinhala)

The Recipe

Coconut flakes 3 tbsp
Medium Red onion – chopped 1/2
Chilies flakes 1tsp
Green chilies – chopped x1
Black pepper powder 1/4tsp
Ginger 1/2 inch
+ murunga leaves as much as you want

Put all this in a food processor
Once blended well add Lime juice 2tsp and Salt to taste

3 years ago

Do our desires for pleasures own us in this modern world?

I think when sages said staying with pain opens doors to greater wisdom and consciousness and that we shouldn't chase after pleasure. - what they meant is:  life is fundamentally…

3 years ago

Stupidly Simple Act of Touching The Earth

Starting from the year 2022, I have been trying to do more of two new things - standing/walking barefoot on grass and getting sun rays on my skin. Such easy…

3 years ago

14 Exciting Books that Changed My Trajectory in Life During 2021

2021 was a slow year for the number of books I read compared to 2020. Mainly because the deep nature of the books, which needed more time to comprehend. But…

3 years ago

Gold Was Always There - Teachings from East to a New Life

I come from the eastern part of the world relatively called east by British Emperor. From there I left the east completely to submerge myself in the west, for my…

4 years ago

Stock Tank with a bucket of Ice

Since coming across the ice man in "Tools of the titans" by Tim Ferris, my interest grew of Wim hof. I have read his book "Wim hof method" and another…

4 years ago

Reconnecting with the Superfood Moringa Or Kathuru Murunga

Growing up in Sri Lanka my mother would go outside and pick Kathuru Murunga leaves and flowers and make a sambol. This was very much a common occurrence throughout the…

4 years ago

How to add an AJAX likes count button in WordPress without a plugin

Adding a likes count with thumbs up icon is quite easy without using a plugin. Below I explain the code I used here in my website. All the code explained…

Read More 745

4 years ago

West Arriving Ancients via Science

I keep coming at this thoughts again and again as I pass through western inventions with my heightened awareness - 2500 to 3000 years ago in the Asia, brahmans and…

4 years ago

34 Books I Read or Listened to in 2020

In 2020 I got the chance to explore more into the non-fiction category of books. I went from personal improvement and explorative genre to more philosophical genre. I found the…

4 years ago

CODE: How to check if a customer used a coupon in Woocommerce

Situation: We have a coupon code (Free $5 cash) that we want customers to use one time. Until he use it, show a special message on my account. After he…

4 years ago

My work today will be dwarfed by my work tomorrow

When I write code, develop algorithms or programs, I do them to the fullest of my skills - with all I know. Once I wrap things up, I know I…

Adding a likes count with thumbs up icon is quite easy without using a plugin. Below I explain the code I used here in my website. All the code explained goes in the functions.php file in the theme, although it can be modified to use in a plugin as well.


What we are going to do is store likes count in post meta of whichever the post you choose to add a likes count to. The post meta field name will be “likes”. Whenever the thumbs-up icon is clicked, the likes count will increment. We are not tracking if a user has already liked an article with this method. However that can be done using cookies. We will use a simple shortcode that can be placed where ever in the site we want to show the likes count button.

FYI, the shortcode is using GLOBAL $post variable to get the post ID. And the post ID will be whatever is in the global post value within a wp query loop.

Pre-rec Libraries I am using

I am using the free and always awesome fontawesome library to get the thumbs up icon. Aside that, jQuery library which is a standard load on most websites these days.

Adding Likes Button Shortcode

This will allow the functionality for shortcode [aj_likes_btn] the context of which you can edit for your liking. This shortcode will print the HTML code where ever the shortcode is placed, to display a thumbs-up icon button and likes count.

add_shortcode('aj_likes_btn', 'aj_likes_btn');
function aj_likes_btn(){
	global $post;

	$post_id = $post->ID;
	$current_count = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'likes',true);
	$current_count = $current_count ? $current_count : 0;
	<div class='aj_likes'>
		<p><a class='aj_thumbsup' href='' data-id='<?php echo $post_id;?>'>
		    <i class="far fa-thumbs-up"></i></a> 
		    Likes (<span><?php echo $current_count;?></span>)</p>
	return ob_get_clean();

Adding AJAX functionality

This JQuery code can be added to existing javascript file ( in which case the AJAX url must be updated to correct ajax url) or save into a new javascript file called aj_script.js


	event.preventDefault(); // stop click from refreshing page
    var OBJ = $(this);
    if(OBJ.hasClass('recorded')) return; // stop multiple submissions
	var id = $(this).data('id'); // get post ID
	var data_arg = {};
	data_arg['id'] = id;
	data_arg['action'] = 'aj_like_post'; // ajax hook name

		beforeSend: function(){},
		type: 'POST',
		url:the_ajax_script.ajaxurl, // Must be updated if adding this to existing
		data: data_arg,dataType:'json',
			OBJ.siblings('span').html( data.new_count); // populate with new new_count
			OBJ.addClass('recorded') // mark as thumbsup recorded
			OBJ.find('i').removeClass('far').addClass('fas'); // make thumbs up icon solid

To enqueue the above script use this PHP code, which goes into function.php. Make sure to replace THEME_DIR with correct location if you are saving the javascript code to a different location.

define("THEME_DIR", get_template_directory_uri());
wp_enqueue_script( 'aj_script', THEME_DIR . '/aj_script.js', array( 'jquery' ), 1.0, true );
	'aj_script', // the handle name of the script
	apply_filters('aj_script_data', array( 
		'ajaxurl' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ) , 
		'postnonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'aj_nonce' )

PHP code to process the AJAX request which would record the new incremented like count for the post.

add_action( 'wp_ajax_aj_like_post', 'aj_record_like_post' );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_aj_like_post', 'aj_record_like_post' ); 
// nopriv allows for nonloggedin users to like as well

public function aj_record_like_post(){

	$post_id = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['id']);

	$current_count = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'likes',true);
	$current_count = $current_count ? $current_count : 0;

	$new_count = $current_count + 1; // add one more like

	update_post_meta( $post_id, 'likes', $new_count); // save new count to the post meta

	echo json_encode(array(
	)); exit;

CSS code to stylize the looks.

.aj_likes{text-align:center; padding:30px 0; font-size:18px;}
.aj_likes a:hover i{transform: scale(1.2);}
.aj_likes a.recorded:hover i{transform: scale(1);}

Now add the shortcode [aj_likes_btn] where ever you want viewers to like that post, and it will look like this on the post. If you like this code share, be sure to give my like button a smashing as well 🙂

3 years ago

Do our desires for pleasures own us in this modern world?

I think when sages said staying with pain opens doors to greater wisdom and consciousness and that we shouldn't chase after pleasure. - what they meant is:  life is fundamentally…

3 years ago

Stupidly Simple Act of Touching The Earth

Starting from the year 2022, I have been trying to do more of two new things - standing/walking barefoot on grass and getting sun rays on my skin. Such easy…

3 years ago

14 Exciting Books that Changed My Trajectory in Life During 2021

2021 was a slow year for the number of books I read compared to 2020. Mainly because the deep nature of the books, which needed more time to comprehend. But…

3 years ago

Gold Was Always There - Teachings from East to a New Life

I come from the eastern part of the world relatively called east by British Emperor. From there I left the east completely to submerge myself in the west, for my…

4 years ago

Stock Tank with a bucket of Ice

Since coming across the ice man in "Tools of the titans" by Tim Ferris, my interest grew of Wim hof. I have read his book "Wim hof method" and another…

4 years ago

Reconnecting with the Superfood Moringa Or Kathuru Murunga

Growing up in Sri Lanka my mother would go outside and pick Kathuru Murunga leaves and flowers and make a sambol. This was very much a common occurrence throughout the…

4 years ago

How to add an AJAX likes count button in WordPress without a plugin

Adding a likes count with thumbs up icon is quite easy without using a plugin. Below I explain the code I used here in my website. All the code explained…

Read More 745

4 years ago

West Arriving Ancients via Science

I keep coming at this thoughts again and again as I pass through western inventions with my heightened awareness - 2500 to 3000 years ago in the Asia, brahmans and…

4 years ago

34 Books I Read or Listened to in 2020

In 2020 I got the chance to explore more into the non-fiction category of books. I went from personal improvement and explorative genre to more philosophical genre. I found the…

4 years ago

CODE: How to check if a customer used a coupon in Woocommerce

Situation: We have a coupon code (Free $5 cash) that we want customers to use one time. Until he use it, show a special message on my account. After he…

4 years ago

My work today will be dwarfed by my work tomorrow

When I write code, develop algorithms or programs, I do them to the fullest of my skills - with all I know. Once I wrap things up, I know I…

I keep coming at this thoughts again and again as I pass through western inventions with my heightened awareness – 2500 to 3000 years ago in the Asia, brahmans and shamans and bamunas and Vedas were fasting daily with meditations to still the mind. And these were passed on intuition from their ancestors. And then industrial revolution happened and people like Newton were hailed for discovering how things worked. It makes sense because before that people gave credits to gods or spirits for doing things like making it rain, for crops growing etc. But the science gave new understanding of why things happen the way they do and with that to be able to control it without waiting for gods. 

So that created the great science book with 500 pages (for example) and a very small microscope to inspect and dissect everything. The problem the way I see is, up until recently the western world has been trying very hard to measure the entire world and entire universe and the cosmos using this 500 page book and the tiny microscope. If a shaman comes to a white man and tell him to fast and that will heal his inside, he would say “it is not in my 500 page science book as it will heal my inside so what you say shaman is bullshit, move over I am going to bulldoze these stupid beliefs and spread my 500 page science book to your people too”. 

Dispensary were setup in villages – where people for 1000s of years lived using Ayurveda and herbal medicine, which were instantly transformed when the instant relief from a pill could cure things where herbal medicine took lot longer. This for me is the biggest catch of the science movement. The instant comfort, the instant relief from pain and suffering, is heavens to the one suffering utter pain. But the science was giving these comforts only using their 500 page book without any knowledge of how this instant relief could effect under long term use. 

Natural herbs and plants used in Ayurveda

The universe we live has an insane amount of intelligent that can not be expressed in a 500 page science book (which science is only now realizing). Since industrial revolution where science book was created – about 100 years of science methods has been bulldozing indigenous ancient ways of doing things on the earth for previous 20,000 years or more as if they did not matter any more. And has been ditching and not even considering anything that is outside the science book. 

Only in recent times the science has started opening their eye to things outside their book with the invention of bigger microscopes and generations born with science ways started seeing health issues in unexplainable ways according to the science book. Children born with food allergies like never before and various other ailments that never existed with our ancestors. 

And now with the bigger microscope science started seen things and ideas from east and from our ancestors that were earlier ditched as horse-shit beliefs. Science discovered microbiomes in our gut and how much intelligent there is in them that was previously neglected but was mentioned in ancient text and medicine. Latest science has now discovered that fasting is indeed good for your gut. All those shaman and brahmans 2500 years ago indeed had great wisdom which was ignored and it only took science that may years of ignorance to arrive back at the same ancient insight. 

What I am saying is science is not complete, we should not ignore what is not explained or impossible in science, because with bigger and bigger microscopes, science will come to prove again and again that what was earlier thought as bullshit is indeed true. If going down science path, this must be understood before viewing everything from science and its 500 page book. 

People lived 1000s of years before us had vast intuitive wisdom that was passed on from generation to generation. They lived and they experiment and that’s how they arrive at their conclusions and beliefs. This ancient wisdom we must not throw away just because the science book can not explain it or science says it’s bullshit. Because one day science will catch up to those ancient wisdom. 

This makes me wonder if the ancient vasthu shastra that people believed, may indeed have effects on what happens or not happen. Science says everything is made of atoms and inside an atom there is 99% space which is energy. So mater is energy and earth is constantly in fluctuations with magnetic field which is energy and cosmic energy. Alignments with these energies or not may in fact have effect on what happen. Vasthu shastra is only one of the things and there are many other ancient beliefs like those that may eventually come to show us that they were indeed accurate all those years ago.  

3 years ago

Do our desires for pleasures own us in this modern world?

I think when sages said staying with pain opens doors to greater wisdom and consciousness and that we shouldn't chase after pleasure. - what they meant is:  life is fundamentally…

3 years ago

Stupidly Simple Act of Touching The Earth

Starting from the year 2022, I have been trying to do more of two new things - standing/walking barefoot on grass and getting sun rays on my skin. Such easy…

3 years ago

14 Exciting Books that Changed My Trajectory in Life During 2021

2021 was a slow year for the number of books I read compared to 2020. Mainly because the deep nature of the books, which needed more time to comprehend. But…

3 years ago

Gold Was Always There - Teachings from East to a New Life

I come from the eastern part of the world relatively called east by British Emperor. From there I left the east completely to submerge myself in the west, for my…

4 years ago

Stock Tank with a bucket of Ice

Since coming across the ice man in "Tools of the titans" by Tim Ferris, my interest grew of Wim hof. I have read his book "Wim hof method" and another…

4 years ago

Reconnecting with the Superfood Moringa Or Kathuru Murunga

Growing up in Sri Lanka my mother would go outside and pick Kathuru Murunga leaves and flowers and make a sambol. This was very much a common occurrence throughout the…

4 years ago

How to add an AJAX likes count button in WordPress without a plugin

Adding a likes count with thumbs up icon is quite easy without using a plugin. Below I explain the code I used here in my website. All the code explained…

Read More 745

4 years ago

West Arriving Ancients via Science

I keep coming at this thoughts again and again as I pass through western inventions with my heightened awareness - 2500 to 3000 years ago in the Asia, brahmans and…

4 years ago

34 Books I Read or Listened to in 2020

In 2020 I got the chance to explore more into the non-fiction category of books. I went from personal improvement and explorative genre to more philosophical genre. I found the…

4 years ago

CODE: How to check if a customer used a coupon in Woocommerce

Situation: We have a coupon code (Free $5 cash) that we want customers to use one time. Until he use it, show a special message on my account. After he…

4 years ago

My work today will be dwarfed by my work tomorrow

When I write code, develop algorithms or programs, I do them to the fullest of my skills - with all I know. Once I wrap things up, I know I…

In 2020 I got the chance to explore more into the non-fiction category of books. I went from personal improvement and explorative genre to more philosophical genre. I found the bolded book titles below to be very profound in how they resonate with my thinking, so much so that I read them twice at times. The book titles are listed in the order I read them. 

  1. 22 Immutable laws of marketing – Al Ries & Jack Trout
  2. Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (Did not finish)
  3. The 5 Second Rule – Mel Robbins
  4. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*** – Mark Manson
  5. You are a bad ass – Jen Sincero (Read twice)
  6. The power of your subconscious mind – Joseph Murphy
  7. The life changing magic of tidying up – Marie Kondo (Did not finish)
  8. The Outliers – Malcolm Gladwell
  9. How to talk to anyone – Leil Lowndes
  10. The 5 love languages – Gary Chapman
  11. Make your bed – Admiral William H. McRaven
  12. The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho
  13. Big Magic – Elizabeth Gilbert
  14. The power of Now – Elkhart Tolle
  15. Don’t sweat the small stuff – Richard Charlson
  16. The factfulness – Hans Rosling
  17. A new earth – Elkhart Tolle
  18. Heal your body – Louise Hay
  19. The art of living – Thich Nhat Hanh (Read Twice)
  20. The man who sold his ferrari – Robin Sharma
  21. Siddhartha – Herman Hesse
  22. Peace is every step – Thich Nhat Hanh
  23. The art of happiness – Dalai Lama
  24. Tame the tiger – Thich Nhat Hanh
  25. The heart of Buddhas teachings – Thich Nhat Hanh
  26. Bury my heart at wounded knee – Dee brown (Did not finish)
  27. Sapiens – Yuval Noah Harari
  28. Chakra healing – Margarita Alcantara (Did not finish)
  29. 21 lessons for 21st century – Yuval Noah Harari
  30. Why buddhism is true – Robert Wright
  31. AI Superpowers – Kai-Fu Lee
  32. Daring Greatly – Brene Brown
  33. Quite: The power of introverts in a world that can’t stop talking – Susan Cain
  34. Home Deus: A brief history of tomorrow – Yuval Noah Harari

3 years ago

Do our desires for pleasures own us in this modern world?

I think when sages said staying with pain opens doors to greater wisdom and consciousness and that we shouldn't chase after pleasure. - what they meant is:  life is fundamentally…

3 years ago

Stupidly Simple Act of Touching The Earth

Starting from the year 2022, I have been trying to do more of two new things - standing/walking barefoot on grass and getting sun rays on my skin. Such easy…

3 years ago

14 Exciting Books that Changed My Trajectory in Life During 2021

2021 was a slow year for the number of books I read compared to 2020. Mainly because the deep nature of the books, which needed more time to comprehend. But…

3 years ago

Gold Was Always There - Teachings from East to a New Life

I come from the eastern part of the world relatively called east by British Emperor. From there I left the east completely to submerge myself in the west, for my…

4 years ago

Stock Tank with a bucket of Ice

Since coming across the ice man in "Tools of the titans" by Tim Ferris, my interest grew of Wim hof. I have read his book "Wim hof method" and another…

4 years ago

Reconnecting with the Superfood Moringa Or Kathuru Murunga

Growing up in Sri Lanka my mother would go outside and pick Kathuru Murunga leaves and flowers and make a sambol. This was very much a common occurrence throughout the…

4 years ago

How to add an AJAX likes count button in WordPress without a plugin

Adding a likes count with thumbs up icon is quite easy without using a plugin. Below I explain the code I used here in my website. All the code explained…

Read More 745

4 years ago

West Arriving Ancients via Science

I keep coming at this thoughts again and again as I pass through western inventions with my heightened awareness - 2500 to 3000 years ago in the Asia, brahmans and…

4 years ago

34 Books I Read or Listened to in 2020

In 2020 I got the chance to explore more into the non-fiction category of books. I went from personal improvement and explorative genre to more philosophical genre. I found the…

4 years ago

CODE: How to check if a customer used a coupon in Woocommerce

Situation: We have a coupon code (Free $5 cash) that we want customers to use one time. Until he use it, show a special message on my account. After he…

4 years ago

My work today will be dwarfed by my work tomorrow

When I write code, develop algorithms or programs, I do them to the fullest of my skills - with all I know. Once I wrap things up, I know I…