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What I Knew About Upavasa

Fasting also known as Upavasa (in Sanskrit), was practiced long ago in ancient yogic traditions. Gautum Buddha went on periods of intense Upavasa in search of enlightenment (that is some 2500+ years ago). I’ve heard of yogis who went on Upavasa in the forests regions. When food was not readily available people fasted for those lean months and our bodies over time developed storing systems to help us survive those hard times. Since science validating the practice to be beneficial for our health it has become very popular now in the modern world. However, it is a very ancient practice rooted deeply in Ayurveda and yogic culture as a cleansing and detoxing process on the health realm and to break-free and go beyond the entanglements with basic necessities on a spiritual realm.

The Reason

I have done small Upavasa before and intermittent fasting as a regular process. However, I have never done an extended fasting for longer than 20 hours. I remember feeling very weak the last time I did a 20-hour Upavasa on my own. This time I chatted with my Ayurvedic practitioner (AP). We decided that longer fasting would help digestion and eliminate accumulated toxins over the years, and it may benefit my circumstances. She mentioned an even more intense process in Ayurveda called Pancha Karma would be the deepest level of cleansing one can do from the Ayurvedic medical realm. But that is a big process.

What you have read about fasting and the scientific facts about it aside, let me share what it is like from a felt human experience beyond those facts.

24 Hour Upavasa

I planned for 24-hour Upavasa, since I have never done anything of this sort before. So I ate a relatively light dinner and was done at 6 pm and there would be no food till the next day dinner, simple enough. My Upavasa is a traditional Ayurvedic Upavasa with nothing but water and I used Himalaya salt gargling from here and there. The next day, I could not stop thinking of all the delicious food I wanted to eat. Biriyani masala with lentil curry and sambol and some delicious desserts. A tasty Chai masala afterward. I could not help those seriously tangible memories of tasty mouth-watering delights.

I usually put lemon, honey, and Himalaya salt on water, but to drink just plain water was very challenging without the used-to energies from water. Since having done 18 hours of regular between meal Upavasa, the first 18 hours of this Upavasa felt relatively easy as far as my used-to need for food.

As I was approaching the 24hr end, I started preparing a delicious vegetable fried rice with Organic basmati rice with papadam, sambola, and parippu.

However, while I was preparing the meal something changed, I no longer felt hungry. As I was preparing this aromatic food, I felt “do I really need this?” I felt my energies stabilize within my body, as if my body was able to slowly produce energy from within, without the outside food. I did not want it to end so soon, just as I was accessing a sweet space of balance.

It felt important for me to connect with how it felt within my body to make the next decision…

Let the Extended Upavasa Begin

Just as I made the meal, I told others, “Please enjoy this meal, I won’t be eating tonight either”. Just like that, I started 24hr + Upavasa. I planned to eat breakfast the next day.

I felt my energies going up and down that night and a lot of water with salt gargle seemed to stabilize the low energy. I noticed a sense of attempt to reserve energy when engaging in normal daily interactions, as in just observing, listening, and taking it all in instead of expressing thoughts and emotions. When I had spare moments, I made sure to sit in silence connected with breath, or practice Isha Kriya. I also spent some time drawing and drumming.

The next morning at 3:17 am – just like that I am wide awake, my brain fully awake. I felt as if running a fever. The Space-heater was at 79F and I was in a thick sweatshirt and wool socks and still not hot but sweating a bit. My Shambhavi practice felt extra focused and intense than ever before. My AP later explained that was when my body started breaking down and recycling damaged cells and promoting cell repair, and what happened was good. But I had no idea, so I thought I was overdoing it and I felt I needed to end the fast. I felt scared of collapsing. It felt important for me to connect with how it felt within my body to make the next decision.

I still wanted a big delicious meal to finish the fast. But as I got closer to eating, I felt I needed something very light to start the digestive system again after my gut had a mini-vacation. With this in mind, I decided chicken broth and fruits would be the best to break the Upavasa (This is what my AP adviced).

Food After 38 Hours

I never planned to go this long, but what I was feeling was something magical inside. On the last day morning, I did my morning Yoga and meditative practice before eating breakfast. I felt a deeper connection with myself, my body, and my life. It is beyond the verbal expression. It was from a deeper dimension of experience.

Here I am sitting with a bowl of chicken bone broth with cooked carrots and broccoli. Tears came into my eyes as I started to drink the broth. It felt as if I was leaving a very dear friend. The last 12 hours of the Upavasa were such a profound experience. Part of me wanted to keep the Upavasa going but part of me felt it was time to stop and that I could re-visit again soon.

All the facts about fasting mean nothing in respect to the profoundness of the felt experience.

Paschat Upavasa

My thoughts and emotions around food have changed after upavasa. I feel a deeper sense of connection with food as a source for nourishment rather than a craving to feel comfort. I started noticing better mental clarity, more stabilized energy, and a sense of lightness, perhaps from some toxins that were released.

Looking back it was a profound experience and I want to continue to do this regularly and next time go even longer to experience deeper benefits. What I have now is a felt experience of what it is to upavasa for 38 hours and what I can expect from a felt experience. No book can give you this. All the facts about fasting mean nothing in respect to the profoundness of the felt experience. My felt experience is an absolutely unique experience just for me.

What I share here is my personal experience. I felt the way I approached the Upavasa (Pera Upavasa) and what I did during Upavasa had a huge impact on how much benefit I could reap out of it. If you feel this is something that can benefit you, make sure you have set a strong foundation on how you approach it rather than just jumping into it.

1 month ago

My First 38 Hour Upavasa (Fast)

What I Knew About Upavasa Fasting also known as Upavasa (in Sanskrit), was practiced long ago in ancient yogic traditions. Gautum Buddha went on periods of intense Upavasa in search…

4 months ago

DIY Backyard Solar Panel Stand

I have always been fascinated with using alternate methods to generate power to run day-to-day machines. There is nothing better than using the sun's power to generate electricity, which gives…

9 months ago

What You Said is Very Disrespectful

How many times did someone say something and you felt it was disrespectful or it was respectful? It is kind of a learned thing isnt it? What is respectful and…

1 year ago

Courage To Be By Ourselves

I wanted to explore and write about the power of being alone by ourselves, in light of the passing away of a dear friend I knew from high school. When…

1 year ago

Educated People Have Caused More Destruction, Than Those Who Are Not

I once saw in a small village in Sri Lanka where people live bare minimum very close to nature. No plastic, no processed foods, no fad diets, no exercise regime,…

2 years ago

How I recovered from .htaccess attack on WordPress install

.htaccess attacks are very frustrating, period! I wanted to write this to share the numerous methods and techniques I used to recover my websites from a recent .htaccess attack. This…

2 years ago


If you are procrastinating something, that means obviously you don’t like what you have to do. If you like what you have to do, you wouldn’t stop doing it, wouldn't…

2 years ago

10 Amazing Books that Rocked My Ship in 2022 and More

2022, I found myself moving deeper toward the inner layers of existence away from scientific theories and applications of rat experiments into human behavior. I found myself going deeper into…

2 years ago

Super Charging The Roti

Coconut roti made with flour, coconut, salt, and water is a very easy-to-make staple in Sri Lankan cuisine. It has become something I quite enjoy - eating with Pol sambal…

2 years ago

Interfaces From Past

Our souls are so amazing that they can create amazing interfaces at the point of discomfort or struggle to protect ourselves from further pain and from future pain. In those…

3 years ago

Do our desires for pleasures own us in this modern world?

I think when sages said staying with pain opens doors to greater wisdom and consciousness and that we shouldn't chase after pleasure. - what they meant is:  life is fundamentally…

I have always been fascinated with using alternate methods to generate power to run day-to-day machines. There is nothing better than using the sun’s power to generate electricity, which gives you the feeling of being able to use power for free. Although technically, not really free. I bet it will take years to get a positive ROI on this investment. 🙂 — In the meantime, let us enjoy this craft that makes us feel a bit of freedom off the grid.

For this specific DIY build, I decided to go with 200w bifacial 10bb solar panels. They works great in producing over 200W at times and for the price it seemed the best option for me. For the wood structure I used 2x4x8 standard wood bars. For that wood bar size I could only fit x3 solar panels.

Heavy-Duty Caster Wheels

In order to move this stand which probably weight over 100lbs, I used heavy-duty 5-inch caster wheels. These help me easily move the solar stand to various locations in my backyard, where sun is at prime angles.

Strong Hinges

Loaded 3 solar panels + wood frame became quite heavy, and to hold it at an angle for a long time, I used really strong hinges.

The Wood Stand

For the moment I have been using 2×2 wood bars to hold the panel stand at certain angles. Which works great, I may create other adjustable bars later down the road.

MC4 Pass-through to House

This RV MC4 pass-through is the best option I could find to pass the solar cables through to the house, through the drywall, which also looks decent and clean from inside the house. It works great and it is weatherproof. On the exterior wall, I used this black cover.

LIFEPO4 Battery

At the moment I use the solar current to charge the main Ecoflow Delta Pro battery. Which has 3.6KW capacity and 1600w solar input capacity. This is about 3 hours of space heater at high or fridge for 24 hours – in case of no power situation. At the moment I use this battery to recharge various other batteries and also recharge my EV which gives about 12 miles of driving range. As far as solar charging, on sunny days I have seen as high as 650w recharge rate out of those 600w solar panels.

This was an enjoyable build, that gave me a sense of freedom off the grid and joy of harnessing power from the sun to run daily machines from free energy.

1 month ago

My First 38 Hour Upavasa (Fast)

What I Knew About Upavasa Fasting also known as Upavasa (in Sanskrit), was practiced long ago in ancient yogic traditions. Gautum Buddha went on periods of intense Upavasa in search…

4 months ago

DIY Backyard Solar Panel Stand

I have always been fascinated with using alternate methods to generate power to run day-to-day machines. There is nothing better than using the sun's power to generate electricity, which gives…

9 months ago

What You Said is Very Disrespectful

How many times did someone say something and you felt it was disrespectful or it was respectful? It is kind of a learned thing isnt it? What is respectful and…

1 year ago

Courage To Be By Ourselves

I wanted to explore and write about the power of being alone by ourselves, in light of the passing away of a dear friend I knew from high school. When…

1 year ago

Educated People Have Caused More Destruction, Than Those Who Are Not

I once saw in a small village in Sri Lanka where people live bare minimum very close to nature. No plastic, no processed foods, no fad diets, no exercise regime,…

2 years ago

How I recovered from .htaccess attack on WordPress install

.htaccess attacks are very frustrating, period! I wanted to write this to share the numerous methods and techniques I used to recover my websites from a recent .htaccess attack. This…

2 years ago


If you are procrastinating something, that means obviously you don’t like what you have to do. If you like what you have to do, you wouldn’t stop doing it, wouldn't…

2 years ago

10 Amazing Books that Rocked My Ship in 2022 and More

2022, I found myself moving deeper toward the inner layers of existence away from scientific theories and applications of rat experiments into human behavior. I found myself going deeper into…

2 years ago

Super Charging The Roti

Coconut roti made with flour, coconut, salt, and water is a very easy-to-make staple in Sri Lankan cuisine. It has become something I quite enjoy - eating with Pol sambal…

2 years ago

Interfaces From Past

Our souls are so amazing that they can create amazing interfaces at the point of discomfort or struggle to protect ourselves from further pain and from future pain. In those…

3 years ago

Do our desires for pleasures own us in this modern world?

I think when sages said staying with pain opens doors to greater wisdom and consciousness and that we shouldn't chase after pleasure. - what they meant is:  life is fundamentally…

How many times did someone say something and you felt it was disrespectful or it was respectful? It is kind of a learned thing isnt it? What is respectful and what is disrespectful is relative to each person’s own experience and their memory.

See, what someone says is not about disrespect or respect. It is about survival.

If I say derogatory things to you, but with a smile on my face, and your ears are not working. You hear no sounds, but you see a smile. So you think, “Hey he must be saying some nice things about me” so you feel happy. But now you have a powerful microphone in you, it is picking up sound signals, and you understand them, so you process them and put them into respectful or disrespectful buckets. The sound from outside, you process inside and make stupid conclusions about it and choose to (or automatically force to because of memory) respond in a certain way based on memories of similar input. So it is all made up inside and it is not really about what’s said is respectful or disrespectful.

It is about survival. If I say mean things to you all the time, you may hang around for a bit, but soon you don’t want to hear mean things anymore and you move away or avoid me. Nobody wants to be around someone who says mean things. But if I say sweet and kind things, you want to be around me and other people will also want to be around me. Whether I say mean things or kind things is a matter of whether I have the right capacity inside to respond kindly and sweetly, isn’t it? Whatever someone makes out of what I say is their problem. But what I say is completely my doing.

So to survive and thrive we must develop the right kind of internal structures and processes and make sure what is happening inside is capable of producing sweetness and kindness outwards.

1 month ago

My First 38 Hour Upavasa (Fast)

What I Knew About Upavasa Fasting also known as Upavasa (in Sanskrit), was practiced long ago in ancient yogic traditions. Gautum Buddha went on periods of intense Upavasa in search…

4 months ago

DIY Backyard Solar Panel Stand

I have always been fascinated with using alternate methods to generate power to run day-to-day machines. There is nothing better than using the sun's power to generate electricity, which gives…

9 months ago

What You Said is Very Disrespectful

How many times did someone say something and you felt it was disrespectful or it was respectful? It is kind of a learned thing isnt it? What is respectful and…

1 year ago

Courage To Be By Ourselves

I wanted to explore and write about the power of being alone by ourselves, in light of the passing away of a dear friend I knew from high school. When…

1 year ago

Educated People Have Caused More Destruction, Than Those Who Are Not

I once saw in a small village in Sri Lanka where people live bare minimum very close to nature. No plastic, no processed foods, no fad diets, no exercise regime,…

2 years ago

How I recovered from .htaccess attack on WordPress install

.htaccess attacks are very frustrating, period! I wanted to write this to share the numerous methods and techniques I used to recover my websites from a recent .htaccess attack. This…

2 years ago


If you are procrastinating something, that means obviously you don’t like what you have to do. If you like what you have to do, you wouldn’t stop doing it, wouldn't…

2 years ago

10 Amazing Books that Rocked My Ship in 2022 and More

2022, I found myself moving deeper toward the inner layers of existence away from scientific theories and applications of rat experiments into human behavior. I found myself going deeper into…

2 years ago

Super Charging The Roti

Coconut roti made with flour, coconut, salt, and water is a very easy-to-make staple in Sri Lankan cuisine. It has become something I quite enjoy - eating with Pol sambal…

2 years ago

Interfaces From Past

Our souls are so amazing that they can create amazing interfaces at the point of discomfort or struggle to protect ourselves from further pain and from future pain. In those…

3 years ago

Do our desires for pleasures own us in this modern world?

I think when sages said staying with pain opens doors to greater wisdom and consciousness and that we shouldn't chase after pleasure. - what they meant is:  life is fundamentally…

I wanted to explore and write about the power of being alone by ourselves, in light of the passing away of a dear friend I knew from high school.

When we are little, we are able to be by ourselves, play alone, with an imagination full flow, nothing bothering us. We are just living life to the fullest, absolutely absorbed in the tiniest and most intricate details of existence. Then as we grow up, the cultures and people around us start saying “You need to have friends”, “don’t be alone go hang out with friends” Or “Go do something, don’t just sit around” or “Why are you alone” (as if being alone is a problem for someone else). Again and again, we are being told by others who were told by someone else, that essentially to be complete we must be with others and do some things.

With this continuous repeats of that narrative (now on self-help playing on our own heads), when we are not with others and not doing anything, we start to replay those memories and create conclusions. Conclusions that we are not complete without those things. That narrative itself creates cascades of other emotions and feelings that wash through our bodies and alternate the biochemistry of our bodies. Which soon would be recognized as mental illness and big pharma would create pills to fix it. (Not really fix, but to just cover it up. Anti-depression drugs are a big seller)

Once we taste the elevation of our inner state by doing something or being with others, without those would start to feel very bored and empty, if we have done those as a way to fill up from an internal place of lack. These experiences create a longing for more of those external things as we use them to fill us up temporarily.

I grew up in a culture where it is impossible to be away from people and so much of the fabric of life is crafted depending on and helping each other. Moving from that to a culture of super individual independence society, initially was a hard thing to grasp. In the US you can literary stay inside the house and do everything you want without ever leaving the house. From having so much interaction and being used to that much interaction to keep me elevated, to not having that was a very tough thing at first.

We come here alone and we go out alone. But when we are here, are we not able to be alone? When we come here as animals, we need to be in groups just to survive. But when we come here as humans, we now have the super-intelligence to override those animal instincts to consciously respond to events in life. We have the capacity to conduct ourselves without being in a group. We have everything we need within us to supercharge ourselves.

If our whole experience of human life has been entertained by external experiences and replaying those recorded memories again and again in various combinations, to be alone by ourselves, and to not pay attention to replayed recorded memories, would be a scary experience. “What would it be without the drama that has entertained me all this time? I would be bored out of my mind” Because being bored they say is a problem.

If we are simply able to sit still and pay so powerful attention to all the sensory inputs experienced inside the body, heartbeat, breath coming in and out, and various other sensations within the body, that experience itself can keep us occupied and entertained. This experience is not replaying recorded experiences from the past or crafting future experiences with recorded memories — this experience is a powerful awareness and bringing attention to the very human life experienced within the body to the fullest in each moment. It takes enormous courage to step away from a learned compulsion to drama and various external situations used as a way to keep us entertained, into being absolutely entertained just by our existence, subtlest things experienced in the body and supercharge ourselves.

If we can just be absolutely entertained by paying attention to our own nature, without needing anything from outside or wishing outside happen in a certain way, how empowering is it? Then we don’t need a whole village to keep us entertained. If we don’t know how to be entertained by our own nature and always looking for something out there to keep us occupied, we will always need and always be hooked for something from out there. But once we know how to be absolutely occupied and blissed-out just by our own nature, by the subtleties of human experience, where everything is happening and where the whole world is experienced, we no longer need to rely on things from out there to entertain us. We could never be bored, whatever is and is not out there.

This, replaying recorded experiences from the memory business, takes a huge toll on the energies in the body. But to just pay super attention to the inside, charges the energies. From this charged up super alert state, whatever happens outside, now we can respond and do what is needed.

Once we supercharge ourselves, now stepping into external experiences and groups will create a completely difference experience. Because we no longer need those to fill us up. From a place of fullness, we now share our light outwards. From a place of fullness, external situations will no longer start to affect what is felt inside, and what is felt inside is supercharged with vibrance regardless of outside! — Now this would be an amazing state to be in to spend our beautiful lives on this wonderful planet.

1 month ago

My First 38 Hour Upavasa (Fast)

What I Knew About Upavasa Fasting also known as Upavasa (in Sanskrit), was practiced long ago in ancient yogic traditions. Gautum Buddha went on periods of intense Upavasa in search…

4 months ago

DIY Backyard Solar Panel Stand

I have always been fascinated with using alternate methods to generate power to run day-to-day machines. There is nothing better than using the sun's power to generate electricity, which gives…

9 months ago

What You Said is Very Disrespectful

How many times did someone say something and you felt it was disrespectful or it was respectful? It is kind of a learned thing isnt it? What is respectful and…

1 year ago

Courage To Be By Ourselves

I wanted to explore and write about the power of being alone by ourselves, in light of the passing away of a dear friend I knew from high school. When…

1 year ago

Educated People Have Caused More Destruction, Than Those Who Are Not

I once saw in a small village in Sri Lanka where people live bare minimum very close to nature. No plastic, no processed foods, no fad diets, no exercise regime,…

2 years ago

How I recovered from .htaccess attack on WordPress install

.htaccess attacks are very frustrating, period! I wanted to write this to share the numerous methods and techniques I used to recover my websites from a recent .htaccess attack. This…

2 years ago


If you are procrastinating something, that means obviously you don’t like what you have to do. If you like what you have to do, you wouldn’t stop doing it, wouldn't…

2 years ago

10 Amazing Books that Rocked My Ship in 2022 and More

2022, I found myself moving deeper toward the inner layers of existence away from scientific theories and applications of rat experiments into human behavior. I found myself going deeper into…

2 years ago

Super Charging The Roti

Coconut roti made with flour, coconut, salt, and water is a very easy-to-make staple in Sri Lankan cuisine. It has become something I quite enjoy - eating with Pol sambal…

2 years ago

Interfaces From Past

Our souls are so amazing that they can create amazing interfaces at the point of discomfort or struggle to protect ourselves from further pain and from future pain. In those…

3 years ago

Do our desires for pleasures own us in this modern world?

I think when sages said staying with pain opens doors to greater wisdom and consciousness and that we shouldn't chase after pleasure. - what they meant is:  life is fundamentally…

I once saw in a small village in Sri Lanka where people live bare minimum very close to nature. No plastic, no processed foods, no fad diets, no exercise regime, no lavish accommodations, no luxury conveniences.

If I look closely, in this world, people who have PHD, ABC. XYZ after their names have created and cultivated various methods that have caused the most destruction to this wonderful planet. Educated people, thought they were superior to those who had not learned ABC or 123. In that short time span, it felt like the creations they were uncovering, seemed magical. Everyone wanted to be like them to create their own magical creations. They thought they were enhancing human lives. In that short time span in history, everyone who was not educated was mesmerized by their work and wanted to be like them.

Education is a huge empowerment, no question about that. It helped humans break free from an otherwise oppressive cast system and physically exhausting labor class. It helped me tremendously to achieve things unimaginable, had I been stuck to paths without education as those before me.

However, with a limited understanding of what is life, limited just to humans as the most important lives on earth, the educated people run a big show creating wellness and comforts and conveniences for humans. In the 21st century, we stand as the most comfortable humans to ever live on earth. In this pursuit, have we checked to see how many other creatures lost their lives as hindrances to human progress? Have we checked, how much plant life we displace, with millions of creatures (lives) living on it? So much of the destructure beyond human lives has gone unchecked, simply because of the pursuit of educated peoples’ desires to create wellness for just one species of creatures on earth.

I am not going to give the statistics of this destruction, you can look it up. This explosion of human-centered education with a limited understanding of the universe, and life, had caused immense damage. This is also a very recent event, in the span of human history on earth – maybe 200 years, relative to millions of years of human existence. This very recent, explosion of educated humans, has caused more destruction to this wonderful planet, than billions of other humans that lived here, millions of years ago. That is a tragedy.

In the 21st century, I see the direct impact of this right back at us. The ever-changing climate is having to change its systems in drastic ways than before to maintain balance. Earth is not going to break it will always maintain balance. However, the question is at what point will these drastic changes be hostile to life on earth, hostile to humans? So drastic to the point we are not able to bring it back to a level that is conducive to life.

It is time we, expand our identity beyond human-centric-ness, to an all-inclusive earthly level, to include all lives on earth – even the tiny ants, even the commonly weeded-out Dandilions, before empowering humans with education! So that everything we do, will be done to enhance the quality of all the lives that call this place home! Education has helped many break barriers, otherwise impossible, and it has brought us to where we are. From here we must use education in a conscious way, not standard dose to everyone. In a conscious earth-centric way to expand what interests us that can also enhance the entire ecosystem where we live.

1 month ago

My First 38 Hour Upavasa (Fast)

What I Knew About Upavasa Fasting also known as Upavasa (in Sanskrit), was practiced long ago in ancient yogic traditions. Gautum Buddha went on periods of intense Upavasa in search…

4 months ago

DIY Backyard Solar Panel Stand

I have always been fascinated with using alternate methods to generate power to run day-to-day machines. There is nothing better than using the sun's power to generate electricity, which gives…

9 months ago

What You Said is Very Disrespectful

How many times did someone say something and you felt it was disrespectful or it was respectful? It is kind of a learned thing isnt it? What is respectful and…

1 year ago

Courage To Be By Ourselves

I wanted to explore and write about the power of being alone by ourselves, in light of the passing away of a dear friend I knew from high school. When…

1 year ago

Educated People Have Caused More Destruction, Than Those Who Are Not

I once saw in a small village in Sri Lanka where people live bare minimum very close to nature. No plastic, no processed foods, no fad diets, no exercise regime,…

2 years ago

How I recovered from .htaccess attack on WordPress install

.htaccess attacks are very frustrating, period! I wanted to write this to share the numerous methods and techniques I used to recover my websites from a recent .htaccess attack. This…

2 years ago


If you are procrastinating something, that means obviously you don’t like what you have to do. If you like what you have to do, you wouldn’t stop doing it, wouldn't…

2 years ago

10 Amazing Books that Rocked My Ship in 2022 and More

2022, I found myself moving deeper toward the inner layers of existence away from scientific theories and applications of rat experiments into human behavior. I found myself going deeper into…

2 years ago

Super Charging The Roti

Coconut roti made with flour, coconut, salt, and water is a very easy-to-make staple in Sri Lankan cuisine. It has become something I quite enjoy - eating with Pol sambal…

2 years ago

Interfaces From Past

Our souls are so amazing that they can create amazing interfaces at the point of discomfort or struggle to protect ourselves from further pain and from future pain. In those…

3 years ago

Do our desires for pleasures own us in this modern world?

I think when sages said staying with pain opens doors to greater wisdom and consciousness and that we shouldn't chase after pleasure. - what they meant is:  life is fundamentally…

.htaccess attacks are very frustrating, period! I wanted to write this to share the numerous methods and techniques I used to recover my websites from a recent .htaccess attack.

This type of attack on WordPress install will create .htaccess files on every single directory of the install and that file would have some codes that would modify directory access. I tried various things. I deleted these files, but it got recreated instantly.

Change Login Passwords

First step is to change login passwords to something super strong. In wordpress, in Cpanel, and in webhost.

Rename The Main Folder

This is the only thing that stopped the auto-generated index.php and .htaccess files from re-creating – to change the name of the main folder that houses all WordPress install files from FTP.

Once you rename this folder, you will have to go into cpanel and make sure the correct folder name is updated for the domain and any other places that use folder location.

Security Scan the Hell Out of It

I used Wordfence plugin and use their free Scan feature to scan the entire directory of the WordPress install. The beauty of this plugin scanner is, it will show which files are infected or modified, or injected. You can directly delete those files.

Alternatively, you can also go into FTP and delete .htaccess files but that is a very tedious process. I found this scanner plugin did a much better job.

If core files are modified, you will want to download a new WordPress copy of the same version you have installed and replace those files. Wordfence plugin was able to replace those with core files as well.

Add Protections For Future

I have installed Sucuri Security plugin after clearing out everything. I like this plugin because it can send me notifications of any changes to files or changes to content.

If your web host provides any security products you can also activate those.

You could also add Login Limit Plugins and modify login page url plugins such as WPS Hide Login.

1 month ago

My First 38 Hour Upavasa (Fast)

What I Knew About Upavasa Fasting also known as Upavasa (in Sanskrit), was practiced long ago in ancient yogic traditions. Gautum Buddha went on periods of intense Upavasa in search…

4 months ago

DIY Backyard Solar Panel Stand

I have always been fascinated with using alternate methods to generate power to run day-to-day machines. There is nothing better than using the sun's power to generate electricity, which gives…

9 months ago

What You Said is Very Disrespectful

How many times did someone say something and you felt it was disrespectful or it was respectful? It is kind of a learned thing isnt it? What is respectful and…

1 year ago

Courage To Be By Ourselves

I wanted to explore and write about the power of being alone by ourselves, in light of the passing away of a dear friend I knew from high school. When…

1 year ago

Educated People Have Caused More Destruction, Than Those Who Are Not

I once saw in a small village in Sri Lanka where people live bare minimum very close to nature. No plastic, no processed foods, no fad diets, no exercise regime,…

2 years ago

How I recovered from .htaccess attack on WordPress install

.htaccess attacks are very frustrating, period! I wanted to write this to share the numerous methods and techniques I used to recover my websites from a recent .htaccess attack. This…

2 years ago


If you are procrastinating something, that means obviously you don’t like what you have to do. If you like what you have to do, you wouldn’t stop doing it, wouldn't…

2 years ago

10 Amazing Books that Rocked My Ship in 2022 and More

2022, I found myself moving deeper toward the inner layers of existence away from scientific theories and applications of rat experiments into human behavior. I found myself going deeper into…

2 years ago

Super Charging The Roti

Coconut roti made with flour, coconut, salt, and water is a very easy-to-make staple in Sri Lankan cuisine. It has become something I quite enjoy - eating with Pol sambal…

2 years ago

Interfaces From Past

Our souls are so amazing that they can create amazing interfaces at the point of discomfort or struggle to protect ourselves from further pain and from future pain. In those…

3 years ago

Do our desires for pleasures own us in this modern world?

I think when sages said staying with pain opens doors to greater wisdom and consciousness and that we shouldn't chase after pleasure. - what they meant is:  life is fundamentally…

If you are procrastinating something, that means obviously you don’t like what you have to do. If you like what you have to do, you wouldn’t stop doing it, wouldn’t you?

Tell a kid who loves to paint, to stop it and do it tomorrow, and he will scream. He loves painting, you can not stop him from painting.

In a society where we think before we exist, ppl try to think of strategies for how to do what we do not want to do – for the sake of productivity or whatever other nonsense. Trying to squash the message from our body, our Sathya.

Our body’s super intelligence is screaming at us.
Just quiet, listen, and act that’s all…

1 month ago

My First 38 Hour Upavasa (Fast)

What I Knew About Upavasa Fasting also known as Upavasa (in Sanskrit), was practiced long ago in ancient yogic traditions. Gautum Buddha went on periods of intense Upavasa in search…

4 months ago

DIY Backyard Solar Panel Stand

I have always been fascinated with using alternate methods to generate power to run day-to-day machines. There is nothing better than using the sun's power to generate electricity, which gives…

9 months ago

What You Said is Very Disrespectful

How many times did someone say something and you felt it was disrespectful or it was respectful? It is kind of a learned thing isnt it? What is respectful and…

1 year ago

Courage To Be By Ourselves

I wanted to explore and write about the power of being alone by ourselves, in light of the passing away of a dear friend I knew from high school. When…

1 year ago

Educated People Have Caused More Destruction, Than Those Who Are Not

I once saw in a small village in Sri Lanka where people live bare minimum very close to nature. No plastic, no processed foods, no fad diets, no exercise regime,…

2 years ago

How I recovered from .htaccess attack on WordPress install

.htaccess attacks are very frustrating, period! I wanted to write this to share the numerous methods and techniques I used to recover my websites from a recent .htaccess attack. This…

2 years ago


If you are procrastinating something, that means obviously you don’t like what you have to do. If you like what you have to do, you wouldn’t stop doing it, wouldn't…

2 years ago

10 Amazing Books that Rocked My Ship in 2022 and More

2022, I found myself moving deeper toward the inner layers of existence away from scientific theories and applications of rat experiments into human behavior. I found myself going deeper into…

2 years ago

Super Charging The Roti

Coconut roti made with flour, coconut, salt, and water is a very easy-to-make staple in Sri Lankan cuisine. It has become something I quite enjoy - eating with Pol sambal…

2 years ago

Interfaces From Past

Our souls are so amazing that they can create amazing interfaces at the point of discomfort or struggle to protect ourselves from further pain and from future pain. In those…

3 years ago

Do our desires for pleasures own us in this modern world?

I think when sages said staying with pain opens doors to greater wisdom and consciousness and that we shouldn't chase after pleasure. - what they meant is:  life is fundamentally…

2022, I found myself moving deeper toward the inner layers of existence away from scientific theories and applications of rat experiments into human behavior. I found myself going deeper into eastern philosophies and teachings – going further into my eastern roots. Once the covers of the three-dimensional view of the scientific world are unveiled, it is hard to look back at little-understood sciences, compared to the vastness of the universe and the multi-dimension human beings we are. Trying to apply linear theories, and try to generalize, categorize, standardize, and replicate existence, seemed such a ludicrous concept anymore.

I could no longer look at this multi-dimensional, non-repeatable, and uniquely perfect existence from a mere three dimension view. Science has done amazing things, but it is only 5 pieces of the million-piece puzzle. These books of great wisdom helped me further my understanding of the vastness of my human existence in this amazing cosmos.

I have linked and bolded the books I found to be the most profound in my journey in the list below. I hope this will serve at least one person to discover hidden guidance in their life.

  1. Herbal remedies for men – Rosemary Gladstar (I still use this book as a guide)
  2. When things fall apart – Pema Chodron
  3. Body into balance – Maria
  4. Herbal recipes for vibrant health – Rosemary Gladstar
  5. Regeneration – Paul Hawken
  6. E cubed – Pam Grout
  7. Good life good vibes – Vex King
  8. Raising good humans – Hunter clarke
  9. The strength in our scars – Bianca Sparacino
  10. The conscious parent – Shefali Tsabary
  11. Introduction to Tantra – Lama Yeshe
  12. The power of you – Chris micheals
  13. Inner Engineering – Sadhguru
  14. Nonviolence Communication – Marshall Rosenberg
  15. The four agreements – Don miguel
  16. Existential Kink – Carolyn Elliot
  17. The body keeps the score – Bessel Van der kolk
  18. How to talk so little kids will listen – Julie Kind, Joanna Faber
  19. Radiance Sutras
  20. Tao te chin
  21. The mastery of love – Don Miguel
  22. Taoist secrets of love, cultivating male sexual energy – Mantak Chia

When I first started keeping records of the books I read, I wanted to read 50, 60, or 70 books in a year. But the more I read, I realized it is never about the number of books I read. It is about understanding, applying, embracing, and letting go of the concepts and philosophies from the books. Then moving on to the next stepping stone, never attaching to the teachings. In my journey, these books have been great stepping stones. You can also discover the books I have read in previous years here: 2021 and 2020

1 month ago

My First 38 Hour Upavasa (Fast)

What I Knew About Upavasa Fasting also known as Upavasa (in Sanskrit), was practiced long ago in ancient yogic traditions. Gautum Buddha went on periods of intense Upavasa in search…

4 months ago

DIY Backyard Solar Panel Stand

I have always been fascinated with using alternate methods to generate power to run day-to-day machines. There is nothing better than using the sun's power to generate electricity, which gives…

9 months ago

What You Said is Very Disrespectful

How many times did someone say something and you felt it was disrespectful or it was respectful? It is kind of a learned thing isnt it? What is respectful and…

1 year ago

Courage To Be By Ourselves

I wanted to explore and write about the power of being alone by ourselves, in light of the passing away of a dear friend I knew from high school. When…

1 year ago

Educated People Have Caused More Destruction, Than Those Who Are Not

I once saw in a small village in Sri Lanka where people live bare minimum very close to nature. No plastic, no processed foods, no fad diets, no exercise regime,…

2 years ago

How I recovered from .htaccess attack on WordPress install

.htaccess attacks are very frustrating, period! I wanted to write this to share the numerous methods and techniques I used to recover my websites from a recent .htaccess attack. This…

2 years ago


If you are procrastinating something, that means obviously you don’t like what you have to do. If you like what you have to do, you wouldn’t stop doing it, wouldn't…

2 years ago

10 Amazing Books that Rocked My Ship in 2022 and More

2022, I found myself moving deeper toward the inner layers of existence away from scientific theories and applications of rat experiments into human behavior. I found myself going deeper into…

2 years ago

Super Charging The Roti

Coconut roti made with flour, coconut, salt, and water is a very easy-to-make staple in Sri Lankan cuisine. It has become something I quite enjoy - eating with Pol sambal…

2 years ago

Interfaces From Past

Our souls are so amazing that they can create amazing interfaces at the point of discomfort or struggle to protect ourselves from further pain and from future pain. In those…

3 years ago

Do our desires for pleasures own us in this modern world?

I think when sages said staying with pain opens doors to greater wisdom and consciousness and that we shouldn't chase after pleasure. - what they meant is:  life is fundamentally…

Coconut roti made with flour, coconut, salt, and water is a very easy-to-make staple in Sri Lankan cuisine. It has become something I quite enjoy – eating with Pol sambal or Seeni sambal. I wanted to modify the recipe so I could eat this roti and get more nutritional benefits out of it than the traditional recipe. This is my creation.

On top of traditional ingredients, I added these items with high nutritional benefits.

  • Moringa Leaves
  • Curry Leaves
  • Green Chillies
  • Ashwagandha Root Powder
  • Ginseng Powder
  • Ginko Powder
  • Flaxseed grounded
  • Boiled Potatoes
  • Cumin Seeds

Mix these (I basically just dumped a few amounts of each above items into the mix) with 1 cup flour, 3/4 cup coconut, 1/2 chopped onion, 1 tsp Himalaya salt, and water. I use olive oil for cooking them on a Cast Iron skillet, which makes it not stick as much to my hands. Turns out this modification does not take any longer than making the normal Roti 🙂

I also discovered; as soon as it’s cooked, and is still hot, adding several slices of Tillamook cheese and Pol Sambal between 2 Rotis and making sort of a sandwich, makes it taste amazing!

1 month ago

My First 38 Hour Upavasa (Fast)

What I Knew About Upavasa Fasting also known as Upavasa (in Sanskrit), was practiced long ago in ancient yogic traditions. Gautum Buddha went on periods of intense Upavasa in search…

4 months ago

DIY Backyard Solar Panel Stand

I have always been fascinated with using alternate methods to generate power to run day-to-day machines. There is nothing better than using the sun's power to generate electricity, which gives…

9 months ago

What You Said is Very Disrespectful

How many times did someone say something and you felt it was disrespectful or it was respectful? It is kind of a learned thing isnt it? What is respectful and…

1 year ago

Courage To Be By Ourselves

I wanted to explore and write about the power of being alone by ourselves, in light of the passing away of a dear friend I knew from high school. When…

1 year ago

Educated People Have Caused More Destruction, Than Those Who Are Not

I once saw in a small village in Sri Lanka where people live bare minimum very close to nature. No plastic, no processed foods, no fad diets, no exercise regime,…

2 years ago

How I recovered from .htaccess attack on WordPress install

.htaccess attacks are very frustrating, period! I wanted to write this to share the numerous methods and techniques I used to recover my websites from a recent .htaccess attack. This…

2 years ago


If you are procrastinating something, that means obviously you don’t like what you have to do. If you like what you have to do, you wouldn’t stop doing it, wouldn't…

2 years ago

10 Amazing Books that Rocked My Ship in 2022 and More

2022, I found myself moving deeper toward the inner layers of existence away from scientific theories and applications of rat experiments into human behavior. I found myself going deeper into…

2 years ago

Super Charging The Roti

Coconut roti made with flour, coconut, salt, and water is a very easy-to-make staple in Sri Lankan cuisine. It has become something I quite enjoy - eating with Pol sambal…

2 years ago

Interfaces From Past

Our souls are so amazing that they can create amazing interfaces at the point of discomfort or struggle to protect ourselves from further pain and from future pain. In those…

3 years ago

Do our desires for pleasures own us in this modern world?

I think when sages said staying with pain opens doors to greater wisdom and consciousness and that we shouldn't chase after pleasure. - what they meant is:  life is fundamentally…

Our souls are so amazing that they can create amazing interfaces at the point of discomfort or struggle to protect ourselves from further pain and from future pain. In those moments of struggle and pain, these interfaces serve valuable protection and safety.

Live goes on, we uncover more of our unique essence and we uncover tools to communicate and interact better to create safe environments for ourselves. Those past interfaces are no longer needed, yet we have used them so much that we can not separate ourselves from these interfaces.

Our most authentic joyous playful self is hidden behind those interfaces. Would we have the courage to pause and go within and discover what is this beautiful self and what is the interface that was created once to protect, but that is no longer needed? And to shine our bright light…

1 month ago

My First 38 Hour Upavasa (Fast)

What I Knew About Upavasa Fasting also known as Upavasa (in Sanskrit), was practiced long ago in ancient yogic traditions. Gautum Buddha went on periods of intense Upavasa in search…

4 months ago

DIY Backyard Solar Panel Stand

I have always been fascinated with using alternate methods to generate power to run day-to-day machines. There is nothing better than using the sun's power to generate electricity, which gives…

9 months ago

What You Said is Very Disrespectful

How many times did someone say something and you felt it was disrespectful or it was respectful? It is kind of a learned thing isnt it? What is respectful and…

1 year ago

Courage To Be By Ourselves

I wanted to explore and write about the power of being alone by ourselves, in light of the passing away of a dear friend I knew from high school. When…

1 year ago

Educated People Have Caused More Destruction, Than Those Who Are Not

I once saw in a small village in Sri Lanka where people live bare minimum very close to nature. No plastic, no processed foods, no fad diets, no exercise regime,…

2 years ago

How I recovered from .htaccess attack on WordPress install

.htaccess attacks are very frustrating, period! I wanted to write this to share the numerous methods and techniques I used to recover my websites from a recent .htaccess attack. This…

2 years ago


If you are procrastinating something, that means obviously you don’t like what you have to do. If you like what you have to do, you wouldn’t stop doing it, wouldn't…

2 years ago

10 Amazing Books that Rocked My Ship in 2022 and More

2022, I found myself moving deeper toward the inner layers of existence away from scientific theories and applications of rat experiments into human behavior. I found myself going deeper into…

2 years ago

Super Charging The Roti

Coconut roti made with flour, coconut, salt, and water is a very easy-to-make staple in Sri Lankan cuisine. It has become something I quite enjoy - eating with Pol sambal…

2 years ago

Interfaces From Past

Our souls are so amazing that they can create amazing interfaces at the point of discomfort or struggle to protect ourselves from further pain and from future pain. In those…

3 years ago

Do our desires for pleasures own us in this modern world?

I think when sages said staying with pain opens doors to greater wisdom and consciousness and that we shouldn't chase after pleasure. - what they meant is:  life is fundamentally…