4 years ago
When all I can breath is wildfire smoke
Wildfire Smoke 2 weeks ago Oregon had a bad wildfire spread from multiple wildfires, burning about 200k-300k acres of forests. In my time in Oregon, this is the second bad…
5 years ago
Lessons from Nansen Summit
Nansen Summit is the summit of Mount Sylvalia that is close to where I live, with an elevation of just shy of 1000ft. Only after living here 2 years, I…
5 years ago
What if all the people realized they don't need stuff to be happy tomorrow
US economy and the global economy -for the best part- is run by consumers. And these consumers empower big corporations to exists. This whole so called economic system created by…
5 years ago
Valley of Lauterbrunnen
Lauterbrunnen valley in Switzerland is one of the best places I have been to where you can easily find the nature at its best display. This painting is from my…
5 years ago
Making of The Männlichen Painting
Switzerland is just breathtaking and every where you turn up in the great alps, is just another view worth painting. The painting of Männlichen is based on a photo i…
5 years ago
Welcome 2020 - The existence of this site
Hello everyone I am Ashan Jay. I am not an extraordinaire or a smart genius, I am just an average guy who falls just like everyone else but learn from…
5 years ago
Books I have read or listened in 2019
A complaint free world by Will Bowen The magic of thinking big by David Schwartz It works by RHJ 12 Rules for life by Jordan Paterson Radical Acceptance by Tara…