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.htaccess attacks are very frustrating, period! I wanted to write this to share the numerous methods and techniques I used to recover my websites from a recent .htaccess attack.

This type of attack on WordPress install will create .htaccess files on every single directory of the install and that file would have some codes that would modify directory access. I tried various things. I deleted these files, but it got recreated instantly.

Change Login Passwords

First step is to change login passwords to something super strong. In wordpress, in Cpanel, and in webhost.

Rename The Main Folder

This is the only thing that stopped the auto-generated index.php and .htaccess files from re-creating – to change the name of the main folder that houses all WordPress install files from FTP.

Once you rename this folder, you will have to go into cpanel and make sure the correct folder name is updated for the domain and any other places that use folder location.

Security Scan the Hell Out of It

I used Wordfence plugin and use their free Scan feature to scan the entire directory of the WordPress install. The beauty of this plugin scanner is, it will show which files are infected or modified, or injected. You can directly delete those files.

Alternatively, you can also go into FTP and delete .htaccess files but that is a very tedious process. I found this scanner plugin did a much better job.

If core files are modified, you will want to download a new WordPress copy of the same version you have installed and replace those files. Wordfence plugin was able to replace those with core files as well.

Add Protections For Future

I have installed Sucuri Security plugin after clearing out everything. I like this plugin because it can send me notifications of any changes to files or changes to content.

If your web host provides any security products you can also activate those.

You could also add Login Limit Plugins and modify login page url plugins such as WPS Hide Login.

1 month ago

My First 38 Hour Upavasa (Fast)

What I Knew About Upavasa Fasting also known as Upavasa (in Sanskrit), was practiced long ago in ancient yogic traditions. Gautum Buddha went on periods of intense Upavasa in search…

4 months ago

DIY Backyard Solar Panel Stand

I have always been fascinated with using alternate methods to generate power to run day-to-day machines. There is nothing better than using the sun's power to generate electricity, which gives…

9 months ago

What You Said is Very Disrespectful

How many times did someone say something and you felt it was disrespectful or it was respectful? It is kind of a learned thing isnt it? What is respectful and…

1 year ago

Courage To Be By Ourselves

I wanted to explore and write about the power of being alone by ourselves, in light of the passing away of a dear friend I knew from high school. When…

1 year ago

Educated People Have Caused More Destruction, Than Those Who Are Not

I once saw in a small village in Sri Lanka where people live bare minimum very close to nature. No plastic, no processed foods, no fad diets, no exercise regime,…

2 years ago

How I recovered from .htaccess attack on WordPress install

.htaccess attacks are very frustrating, period! I wanted to write this to share the numerous methods and techniques I used to recover my websites from a recent .htaccess attack. This…

2 years ago


If you are procrastinating something, that means obviously you don’t like what you have to do. If you like what you have to do, you wouldn’t stop doing it, wouldn't…

2 years ago

10 Amazing Books that Rocked My Ship in 2022 and More

2022, I found myself moving deeper toward the inner layers of existence away from scientific theories and applications of rat experiments into human behavior. I found myself going deeper into…

2 years ago

Super Charging The Roti

Coconut roti made with flour, coconut, salt, and water is a very easy-to-make staple in Sri Lankan cuisine. It has become something I quite enjoy - eating with Pol sambal…

2 years ago

Interfaces From Past

Our souls are so amazing that they can create amazing interfaces at the point of discomfort or struggle to protect ourselves from further pain and from future pain. In those…

3 years ago

Do our desires for pleasures own us in this modern world?

I think when sages said staying with pain opens doors to greater wisdom and consciousness and that we shouldn't chase after pleasure. - what they meant is:  life is fundamentally…

Adding a likes count with thumbs up icon is quite easy without using a plugin. Below I explain the code I used here in my website. All the code explained goes in the functions.php file in the theme, although it can be modified to use in a plugin as well.


What we are going to do is store likes count in post meta of whichever the post you choose to add a likes count to. The post meta field name will be “likes”. Whenever the thumbs-up icon is clicked, the likes count will increment. We are not tracking if a user has already liked an article with this method. However that can be done using cookies. We will use a simple shortcode that can be placed where ever in the site we want to show the likes count button.

FYI, the shortcode is using GLOBAL $post variable to get the post ID. And the post ID will be whatever is in the global post value within a wp query loop.

Pre-rec Libraries I am using

I am using the free and always awesome fontawesome library to get the thumbs up icon. Aside that, jQuery library which is a standard load on most websites these days.

Adding Likes Button Shortcode

This will allow the functionality for shortcode [aj_likes_btn] the context of which you can edit for your liking. This shortcode will print the HTML code where ever the shortcode is placed, to display a thumbs-up icon button and likes count.

add_shortcode('aj_likes_btn', 'aj_likes_btn');
function aj_likes_btn(){
	global $post;

	$post_id = $post->ID;
	$current_count = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'likes',true);
	$current_count = $current_count ? $current_count : 0;
	<div class='aj_likes'>
		<p><a class='aj_thumbsup' href='' data-id='<?php echo $post_id;?>'>
		    <i class="far fa-thumbs-up"></i></a> 
		    Likes (<span><?php echo $current_count;?></span>)</p>
	return ob_get_clean();

Adding AJAX functionality

This JQuery code can be added to existing javascript file ( in which case the AJAX url must be updated to correct ajax url) or save into a new javascript file called aj_script.js


	event.preventDefault(); // stop click from refreshing page
    var OBJ = $(this);
    if(OBJ.hasClass('recorded')) return; // stop multiple submissions
	var id = $(this).data('id'); // get post ID
	var data_arg = {};
	data_arg['id'] = id;
	data_arg['action'] = 'aj_like_post'; // ajax hook name

		beforeSend: function(){},
		type: 'POST',
		url:the_ajax_script.ajaxurl, // Must be updated if adding this to existing
		data: data_arg,dataType:'json',
			OBJ.siblings('span').html( data.new_count); // populate with new new_count
			OBJ.addClass('recorded') // mark as thumbsup recorded
			OBJ.find('i').removeClass('far').addClass('fas'); // make thumbs up icon solid

To enqueue the above script use this PHP code, which goes into function.php. Make sure to replace THEME_DIR with correct location if you are saving the javascript code to a different location.

define("THEME_DIR", get_template_directory_uri());
wp_enqueue_script( 'aj_script', THEME_DIR . '/aj_script.js', array( 'jquery' ), 1.0, true );
	'aj_script', // the handle name of the script
	apply_filters('aj_script_data', array( 
		'ajaxurl' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ) , 
		'postnonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'aj_nonce' )

PHP code to process the AJAX request which would record the new incremented like count for the post.

add_action( 'wp_ajax_aj_like_post', 'aj_record_like_post' );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_aj_like_post', 'aj_record_like_post' ); 
// nopriv allows for nonloggedin users to like as well

public function aj_record_like_post(){

	$post_id = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['id']);

	$current_count = get_post_meta( $post_id, 'likes',true);
	$current_count = $current_count ? $current_count : 0;

	$new_count = $current_count + 1; // add one more like

	update_post_meta( $post_id, 'likes', $new_count); // save new count to the post meta

	echo json_encode(array(
	)); exit;

CSS code to stylize the looks.

.aj_likes{text-align:center; padding:30px 0; font-size:18px;}
.aj_likes a:hover i{transform: scale(1.2);}
.aj_likes a.recorded:hover i{transform: scale(1);}

Now add the shortcode [aj_likes_btn] where ever you want viewers to like that post, and it will look like this on the post. If you like this code share, be sure to give my like button a smashing as well 🙂

1 month ago

My First 38 Hour Upavasa (Fast)

What I Knew About Upavasa Fasting also known as Upavasa (in Sanskrit), was practiced long ago in ancient yogic traditions. Gautum Buddha went on periods of intense Upavasa in search…

4 months ago

DIY Backyard Solar Panel Stand

I have always been fascinated with using alternate methods to generate power to run day-to-day machines. There is nothing better than using the sun's power to generate electricity, which gives…

9 months ago

What You Said is Very Disrespectful

How many times did someone say something and you felt it was disrespectful or it was respectful? It is kind of a learned thing isnt it? What is respectful and…

1 year ago

Courage To Be By Ourselves

I wanted to explore and write about the power of being alone by ourselves, in light of the passing away of a dear friend I knew from high school. When…

1 year ago

Educated People Have Caused More Destruction, Than Those Who Are Not

I once saw in a small village in Sri Lanka where people live bare minimum very close to nature. No plastic, no processed foods, no fad diets, no exercise regime,…

2 years ago

How I recovered from .htaccess attack on WordPress install

.htaccess attacks are very frustrating, period! I wanted to write this to share the numerous methods and techniques I used to recover my websites from a recent .htaccess attack. This…

2 years ago


If you are procrastinating something, that means obviously you don’t like what you have to do. If you like what you have to do, you wouldn’t stop doing it, wouldn't…

2 years ago

10 Amazing Books that Rocked My Ship in 2022 and More

2022, I found myself moving deeper toward the inner layers of existence away from scientific theories and applications of rat experiments into human behavior. I found myself going deeper into…

2 years ago

Super Charging The Roti

Coconut roti made with flour, coconut, salt, and water is a very easy-to-make staple in Sri Lankan cuisine. It has become something I quite enjoy - eating with Pol sambal…

2 years ago

Interfaces From Past

Our souls are so amazing that they can create amazing interfaces at the point of discomfort or struggle to protect ourselves from further pain and from future pain. In those…

3 years ago

Do our desires for pleasures own us in this modern world?

I think when sages said staying with pain opens doors to greater wisdom and consciousness and that we shouldn't chase after pleasure. - what they meant is:  life is fundamentally…